Chapter 46: Daddy

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"Can't this plane go any faster?" 

Jackson chuckled shaking his head as Cassie was practically bouncing in her seat. They were officially done with her tour. Two and half months have passed with her promoting her new album and doing the tour around the US that she signed up for. Now, as promised, she had the foreseeable future to do whatever she wanted. Jackson as her agent had his down time as well. He still had a few others to look over but Tate has considered giving him just Cassie since he wanted to have someone watching over her constantly. Jackson was originally against it however changed his mind when he thought how much time that would mean in Texas with Natalia. 

"We'll be landing in 30 minutes Cassie."

"Do you think they will be surprised?" Her eyes gleaming as a bright smile lights her face. 

"Since we weren't supposed to be here til tomorrow, yes."

Cassie was just ready to be home so rather than recuperating after her final performance, she ordered everyone to take her home. So here they are, heading home a day early to surprise both Keith and Natalia. Keith had told Cassie he was heading to Julio & Naomi's bar, the Dirty Dozen. Natalia had stayed home according to Jackson, she had apparently been a little under the weather. Jackson told Cassie he would go to her and Cass could take his car to the bar to surprise Keith. Cass agreed on the basis that tomorrow, she would get to steal Nat. 

"I'm excited to be home"

Jackson lifted his gaze finding Cass looking at her hands with a serene smile on her lips. He couldn't help his own content smile. He silent agreed with her. He felt as if his world has been put on a different axel and at the center was Natalia. He never thought he would let a woman rule his thoughts but Natalia wasn't just any woman... she was his. 

Please buckle up as we begin our descend into Dallas. Do not unbuckle until the light turns off. 

Both reach buckling themselves in as the plane dips. A few minutes later they look out and can see they are on the ground. Lights are on the runway allowing them to see the concrete ground below. A squeal of excitement escaping Cassie making Jackson chuckle at her. They unbuckle after hearing the announcer thanks them for flying. Cassie grabs her carryon and thanks the stewardess. Both the girls blushing at the popstar and bowing slightly at her. 

She gets off to find the sun already gone and the southern stars coming out to say hello. She runs down the steps of the plane happy to find a car already awaiting them. She jumps in thanking the driver who is holding the door open while Jackson follows behind doing the same. The driver closes the door and goes to his seat driving the pair off to the ranch. Cassie's eyes soaking up everything along the way. They pull into the familiar driveway and Cassie's face is practically glued to the window. 

Once the car is stopped, the pop star doesn't wait for the driver before throwing the door open and getting out. Jackson is on her tail thanking the driver. Cassie begins going to the front door before a touch to her arm stops her, she turns around to find Jackson holding his keys up with a smug grin. She huffs and takes them playfully narrowing her eyes at her agent and now friend. Finishing it with a point of her finger at him. 

"Remember our deal, she's mine tomorrow."

Jackson just winks and goes around her towards the door. Cassie struggles for a moment before giving in and going to his car quickly getting in to head off into town to the bar. She was ready to see her leading man. Jackson on the other hand takes a deep breath thrilled to finally be able to see Natalia. He opens the door finding it to be unlocked yet again. He really would have to talk with Natalia about keeping that unlocked. Disregarding that, he puts his small bag down and takes off his shoes followed by phone and keys going to the bowl by the door. He sighs finding the house giving him the same feeling it previously did, a sense of home. 

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