Chapter 17: Let Go

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Landon Bounds says Cassie attacked him!

Why on earth did Cassie and Landon split?! 

Lover's Scorn!

Where did Cassie go?

Locking her phone, Cassie sighs while her eyes look out to the ocean. The soft waves making a rhythmic sound as her mind races. They arrived back to the suite about an hour ago. Nat was currently going through on her laptop to balance out some accounts for her ranch. Jackson was checking in on his other clients leaving Cass to her own whims. She read through some of the articles while sitting in the lounger on the balcony. Reporters speculating on what occurred that night. Landon having his own story to spin. 

She reaches over looking at the glass of water before taking another swig wishing it was something stronger to loosen her nerves. She knew deep down that the answers weren't there though. No, what she needed was to come to terms with everything around her and just let it be. Taking a deep inhale, she releases it slowly closing her eyes as she lays back in the lounger listening to the calming sounds from the water. 


She opens her eyes to find Jackson standing in the sliding door. His eyes looking downwards. Her eyes following his line of sight to realize that her phone is on and showing the web pages. She reaches out turning it off as he steps out taking a seat on the lounger next to her. 

They both sit quietly for a few minutes as they look out to the rising tide. Both having their own thoughts. Jackson is not sure what to say to her knowing she has seen the articles. Cassie knows he is thinking the same thing as her. Jackson turns back around looking to see where Natalia is at but sees no sign of her. 

"She's in the room taking care of her ranch."

Jackson turns  back around focusing on the blonde beauty whose eyes are still trained outwards. He leans forward clasping his hands together while his elbows rest on his knees. Hunching forward he keeps his eyes trained on the crashing waves before speaking. 

"Do you want to talk about it Cassie?"

"What exactly? How my past relationship is currently making headlines? How he attempted to hurt me and yet I'm the bad guy?" Her words coming out bitterly at the end. 

Jackson doesn't know where to start. He thinks before answering. "You know the truth... and those who matter to you will believe you."

"Nat is the only one who matters to me... well and Tate."

He turns his head leaning it on his clasp hands to look at her. Her eyes holding pain he had not seen before. She wipes away a lone tear as thoughts of her past relationships, families, and friends all came to mind. 

"I'm sure you have more-"

"No, I don't." 

She says cutting him off. Her words more harsh than she means to but he knows she is just upset. He goes quiet allowing Cassie the opportunity to vent if needed. 

"I have had nothing but disappointment when it comes to my personal life. My parents practically disowned me because I didn't live up to their standards and now they believe my image could hurt their business. All past friends were complete and utterly two faced. Saying shit left and right behind my back but always so sweet to my face. Past men are a joke. Take my latest, my agent... What you saw a few nights ago wasn't the first time he was forceful..."

Jackson turns his attention to her hearing her last statement. "Cassie, are you saying-"

She stops him with a hand raised indicating for him to stop. "All I am saying is my past relationships whether love or friendship have been nothing short of horrible... I am lucky I have Nat."

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