Chapter 52: It's Time

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6 Months Later

Nat rubbed her swollen stomach while sitting on the back porch of her home. Her fingers doing gentle circles on her baby almost being able to envision the little bundle that was soon to be arriving. She was still unsure as to what the baby's gender was. She had decided as long as the baby was happy that she would be blessed regardless. Luckily Jackson agreed with her even though it was hard for Cass.

The godmother to be just wanted to buy as many things as she could for her godchild. She got infuriated that the doctor wouldn't tell her even as the godmother. Nat laughed hard that day when she told her about it. Apparently Cass made a trip to her doctor's office requesting the doctor who was highly amused but none the less would not give her the information. Jackson even chuckled at his client for her attempt.

"Where's my beautiful wife at?"

Nat turned to the side finding Jax's head peaking out the door. His eyes glancing down to her stomach as a beautiful smile lights up his face. Nat's heart melting at the sight of him. He has been nothing but an excellent boyfriend and as of a few days ago, husband.


Nat went up behind Jackson's back placing her hands over his eyes. His phone that was to his ear was pulled slightly away before he pulled put it back quickly ending the call. He tossed the phone on the table near where he stood and brought his hands up to hers feeling the fingers covering his eyes.

"Is this my beautiful fiancé?"

Nat bit her lip trying to not grin even though he couldn't see her. That term always made her smile regardless of what emotion she may have been in previously. She got closer feeling her belly touching his back.

"Close your eyes." She slowly released her hands checking to make sure he listened. She quickly took the blindfold she had and placed it over his face.


She giggled but continued tying the knot on the back of his head before her hands slid from his shoulders down to his hand. She took one making him turn to her. He stumbled a few times not use to not having his sight. Nat wat tempted to laughing at the sight but was too nervous for what was outside to actually chuckle at his walking capabilities. She got him outside the door and took a deep breath.

"Love, where are you taking me?"

"Just a bit more.." She said slowly walking backwards directly in front of him. "Do you remember when we talked about the dream wedding you wanted to give to me?"

"Yes, you said a church wedding with all your friends and family." He says recalling the conversation.

"Well I was thinking maybe of something else.."

She stops making him stop as well. Jackson glances left to right trying to figure out where she had led him to and listens for any sounds. Nat slowly leans up wrapping her arms around his head before undoing the knot and pulling the fabric away. His beautiful blue eyes blinking rapidly before looking around.

They stood out in the middle of one the open fields. Surrounding them was Cass and Keith, Tate, and Jackson's aunt and uncle. Jackson looks around confused while everyone else was staring amused at him. "What..."

His voice trailed off as Nat took both of his hands into her own. His eyes snapping back down to her and realizing she was wearing a white dress. His eyes widening on their own accord. Everyone around them chuckled at his facial expression but Nat just grinned at him.

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