Chapter 12: Explanations

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Nat continued gazing at Jax. He perched himself closer to the edge of the seat. It was clear that he knew the man, Landon and she wants to know how. Her fingers absentmindedly running through Cass' hair as she continued to hold her waist in her sleep.  She released a slow breath while gathering her thoughts. 

"How do you know that Landon guy?"

"He works as an agent at the same agency as me... Marx Records. I was assigned to take over Cassie as my client."

Natalia curses finally allowing the pieces to click into place. His name, Cass said it during the radio interview. He was late to his meeting with Cass the day she found him on the side of the road. She nods her head as Jax continues his fixation on her. Worry clearly written on his face. 

"So you are Cass' manager/agent?"

Jax nods his head in confirmation. She glances down to find Cass' head burrowed into her stomach as her arms remain locked around her waist. Her heart hurting for all her best friend has went through. She can't imagine what would have happened if she wouldn't have gotten that text or shown up when they did. 

"May I ask you a question?" Nat nods her head as she continues looking to Cass. "How do you know Cassie?"

"She's my best friend." Jax presumed this much but needed the confirmation. "She's the one I was telling you about."

The air going quiet as they digest the new information. The stillness of the night settling over the home while only their thoughts consume them. After several long moments, Jax slowly stands up cautious of waking Cassie. He walks over and holds out his arms. 

"May I?"

Nat hesitates before nodding. Jax moves his hands under Cassie's back and legs. He begins to lift her but her grip tightens around Nat. He stops moving as Nat slowly rubs her best friend's arms unlocking them from her torso. Giving her a kiss on her forehead as Jax continues lifting her up. Her arms locking around his neck while Nat stands up leading them to her bedroom. Jax following down the hallway to a closed room before Nat pushes it open to reveal a nice bedroom. One he is presuming is Cass'. Gently laying her on the bed, he backs up allowing Natalia to cover her and tuck her in. His eyes following the way she cares for her like a child. Another kiss placed to her forehead before backing up. 

Cass burrows herself into the pillow making Nat smile gently brushing her hair back before turning and exiting the room. Jax following directly after her. She closes the door gently before leading him to the kitchen. Her hands instantly going for the fridge, Jax leaning against the counter watching her. He smirks seeing her turning around to with bottles of beer. Twisting the cap off of one, she holds it out for him. He takes it and watches as she uncaps her before taking a big gulp of hers. 

Her eyes meet his and he feels his heart accelerate slightly. Her long dark locks running wild around her. Her sun kissed skin looking as soft as silk, along with her luscious lips that he was wishing to touch yet again. It was however her eyes that sealed him. Her dark eyes so rich and yet were so expression filled. He could see it all... the care for Cassie, the anger towards Landon, and frustration & worry that probably stemmed for Cassie. 

Without realizing it, he slowly walked towards her before setting down the beer. His hand coming up to cup her cheek and brushing the silk skin beneath the pad of his thumb. Her eyes never leaving his as he leaned forward to kiss her forehead tenderly. The moment lingering for both as neither wished to pull away. When he finally did pull back, he pulled her into a deep hug allowing her scent to envelop his nostrils like an addicting perfume. 

Nat relished the comfort his arms were bringing her in that moment. So many thoughts were running rapid however his masculine scent and strong arms were all she wanted for a few moments. Her head resting gently on his shoulder while his fingers gently ran the length of her back before going back up again. She inhaled deeply and released it with a sigh. 

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