Chapter 51: Decisions

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Cassie couldn't help but smile as the sun rays rolled into her room. She turned feeling the weight against her stomach. Her face coming in align with the incredibly sexy sleeping man of hers. Her finger coming up to leisurely trace his jaw line before going back up and brushing his hairs out of face. She leans forward kissing his cheek lovingly. She lifts his arm getting out of the bed reaching for the robe next to the bed. 

She walks into their ensuite to brush her teeth and do her morning business before coming out. The bed still holding one sleeping giant making her grin. She decides to leave him there and go to the kitchen to make something for breakfast for them. They have been back from the trip for a few weeks now. Cassie loved her life as of now. The simplicity of it was a breath of fresh air. She has been debating whether or not she really wanted to continue singing and touring. 

She had pulled Jackson aside a few days ago talking to him about her feelings. He stated that as her friend and agent, it was her decision but not make any rash decision. She knew he was right. Cass was more worried that this dream would fade away if she stepped away from it. Scared that it would be tainted if she took off again. She hadn't made a decision yet but wanted to talk with Nat about it. Keith told her previously he would support her no matter what. He has been her anchor now. Nat still was her rock but Keith was filling a gap she never thought could be filled. 

The support she has now is unmeasurable. She wishes she could have had this type of solidity from the beginning. Growing up, she struggled to remain a happy child. She always tried to impress her parents but nothing ever seemed to be good enough. She could be the best but it would never have ended up with their approval. She didn't realize that until after meeting Nat. 

Nat was her miracle that arrived at a time when she needed her most. She couldn't even imagine where her life would be if she hadn't forced herself into Nat's bubble. Probably married off to one of her father's associates for the better of the company.

She shakes head releasing those thoughts before going to the coffee maker and starting it up. Keith likes his strong and black. She cringes just thinking about it. Hearing the front door open, she doesn't bother turning knowing only one person who would get up this early.

"God, I miss coffee!"

Cass giggles walking over to the fridge grabbing the orange before pouring a glass and turn to her best friend. She hands it over getting a smile in return.

"Good morning Nat."

"Morning Cass." Nat leans forward kissing her cheek before taking her seat on one of the bar stools.

"Did you sleep well?"

Nat nods her head in return. "Need help with breakfast?"

"I would never turn down that." Cass says placing her hand to her chest dramatically.

Nat chuckles standing up going over to the fridge checking what they have. They decide on pancakes and bacon. Nat handling the pancakes while Cass takes care of the bacon. Nat begins humming and Cass can't help but laugh.

"Really?" Cass asks incredulously.

Nat grins and begins singing out the lyrics to Cass' new song.

"It ain't my fault!"

Cass laughs before deciding to join in. Both of them laughing together as they finish. Cass takes the opportunity to talk.

"Hey Nat?" She hums in reply. "What would you think about me retiring from singing?"

Nat stops on the pancakes turning to her with a raised brow. Cass tries to act nonchalant but truthfully could feel her heart hammering in her chest. She flips the bacon trying to not look at Nat.

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