Chapter 41: Resolve

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"Please help me welcome Pop Star Princess Cassie Lyndel!"

Cassie turns to Keith who winks at her before taking a deep breath and stepping out on the stage. The audience clapping and giving her wide grins. She waves walking over to the host embracing her in a friendly hug before taking a seat opposite the host. In her head trying to come her jittery nerves. The crowd quiets down as the host takes her seat. 

"Well Cassie, we have much to discuss!" Cassie just smiles nodding in agreement. "Now first things first. You're new album has been released and it has dropped as a double platinum." 

The host pauses clapping which makes the crowd clap along. Cassie just smiles in appreciation. 

"That is an incredible feet to achieve for a second record ESPECIALLY when it is a mix of two genres... What made you think to mix pop and country?"

"I honestly had a lot of inspiration." 

She takes a quick glance over to the side of the stage where she finds her three main supports standing. The host catches where her eyes went to. 

"I see you have some family here with you... would they like to join?"

The audience claps and hoots loudly as the host waves over all of them. Keith looks directly at Cassie who smiles standing up. He didn't hesitate walking directly to her keeping his eyes on his princess. Jackson on the other hand had to tug Natalia out who plastered on the best smile she could walking out. The crew shuffling to bring out additional chairs for them all. Keith sits directly next to Cassie followed by Natalia and then Jackson. 

The women of the audience whistle and cheer looking at Keith who doesn't even spare a glance to them. Cassie can't help but grin taking his hand into her own. The southern cowboy holding her backs pulling it to his lips. The crowd in sync awing at the couple. The host gives them all a moment to settle. 

"Well well... Cassie will you introduce everyone?"

Cassie turns slightly in her chair pointing at Jackson, "this is my agent and friend Jackson Fillmore." Her eyes then turn to Natalia, "next is my absolute best friend and sister, Natalia Thornton."

Nat winks at Cass as Jackson takes her hand pulling it into his lap interlacing them together. Nat turns to him giving a gentle smile. The audience watches the couples interaction with silent praise for them. The host clears her throat making Cass come back to her final guest. 

"Last is my better half, Keith Thornton."

Keith smirks and winks just like his sister. He then shocks everyone as he leans over kissing a blushing Cassie on her cheek. The crowd roars making the host lose them yet again momentarily. The host gives the crowd a moment before trying to get them to settle. The host looks over each of her guest. 

"Now I know Mr. Fillmore, but the other two... brother and sister?" Both Keith and Natalia nod in unison. "So Cassie did you know Ms. Thornton first or Mr. Thornton?"

"I met Natalia years ago and she introduced me to her brother."

"Ah, I see... Well he definitely looks like a catch. Am I right ladies?" The crowd agreeing loudly as Cassie chuckles as the cowboy slightly blushes. 

"Sorry to say ladies but this one is taken." Cassie says confidently making Keith squeeze her hand in return. 

"Is this an inclusive Ms. Lyndel?" The host ask leaning forward in her chair. "Is Cassie off the market?"

"Absolutely." She answers confidently. She leans over the arm rest pecking his lips as the crowd erupts in their blessings. 

"So the rumors previously of you and Mr. Fillmore?" The host leaves it open gesturing to Jackson. 

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