Chapter 3: First Impressions

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Jackson rubbed the back of his neck leaning his head against the headrest. This wasn't what he wanted to do. Babysitting adults that act like children. He wanted to run his own management agency. He just never had the sources needed to do so. A long sigh escapes him thinking back to the meeting from yesterday. Cassie was not his typical client. She was attractive but behind those eyes, he could see her struggle. She puts on a polite smile but her eyes give away her pain. 

Tate said she had been with the label for a few years and is almost up to renew her contract. According to him, she was easy to mold into whatever. This is the type of artist agencies love to work with. They could push them to do what they want. Jackson doesn't feel that is true about Cassie. She may not have said anything about him managing her however anyone could tell she did not want him. Tate said Landon has had relationships with a few of his artists and figured Cassie was just another victim of his. 

Glancing at the clock, he sees it's almost noon. He reached out to Cassie yesterday evening to set a meeting up but wasn't expecting his Audi to start smoking. Now here he is stuck on the side of the road waiting for the tow truck to come get him. He called his 'so called' friend who didn't answer his call. So much for being helpful. 

Jackson was pulled from his thoughts as a blue truck that was about to pass pulled over in front of his car. He watches the truck back up so it is directly in front of his car. It's a pale blue Ford Pickup with a few rust spots. Getting out of his Audi he watches the door open on the Ford. He stops in his tracks seeing a set of long jean legs swinging out followed by long brown hair. It's a woman! He wasn't expecting a woman to be driving a truck. The woman flips her hair and he can see her more clearly now, she has bronze skin and a fucking insane body. 

"Do you need help?"

Her voice sounds sultry making his body stiffen. Mmm, her voice is like honey. She looks up and he sees her beautiful caramel eyes and sharp cheek bones. The woman tilts her head and he realizes he is staring and hasn't answered. Clearing his throat he steps around to the front of his car. 

"Car is smoking and I don't know why."

The woman nods looking to the hood of his car. She doesn't seem to be paying attention to him anymore giving him a chance to look her over again. She was of average height if not a little shorter. Her dark hair falling half way down her back in soft waves. No product is in her hair or on her face. The features of her face on full display and he was enjoying it. She had large caramel eyes that seemed solely focused on his car while her lips were pursed. 

"Can you pop the hood?"

Jackson blinked before walking back to his door and pressing the button releasing the hood. He watches as she runs her finger under the slit to find the latch and release it before pulling it up. He came back around to find her studying his engine while her upper body was partially leaning over. He had to inhale deeply to stop from groaning at the overall picture. 

She reaches out touching a part of the engine and wiggling it slightly. He tries to focus on his engine but with an extremely attractive woman leaning over his engine, can you blame him? She stood back up and without an hesitation, began removing her flannel. Jackson's eyes going wide as she reveals a black tank top. The flannel is now wrapped around her hand as she leans back in and begins twisting lose something. His focus going between her hand and the view of her shape. The woman releases a cap and it releases a hissing sound that sounds like a tea kettle. That catches his attention and he leans forward to look at what she was doing.  

"You have a cracked radiator and it looks like your coolant is depleted causing your engine to overheat."

She sits down the piece she took off and unwrapped her shirt from her hand. She then stretched it back out as she put her arms back into it. Jackson eyes following her movements as she pulls her hair out of the shirt. Her eyes locking with him with a raised eye brow. 

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