Chapter 37: Reflect

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"It looks like the last quarter we have increased our revenue by 3%. We are staying steady on our income/debt ration. How are the new hires working out?"

Nat lifted her head from her paperwork to her brother who was also flipping through his own folder. They were currently sitting in their office going through their daily check up on how everything is going for the ranch. It has been a few days since Jackson and Cassie had to return to California. 

Jackson informed Nat that he wanted to move here permanently. It was a morning after they took a shower together. She was coming out of the bathroom after drying her hair to find him still covered only in a towel sitting on their bed. His eyes were already looking at her as she made her way to him. She cupped his jaw making him tilt his head up as she stood between his legs. With the straightest face she had ever seen, he just told her that he wanted this every morning. She froze for a moment searching his eyes but then smiled as she nodded. Another shower was needed that morning. 

"Both are fitting in just fine and Miguel has been teaching them the ropes. I don't know if they both will last through the winter but will see."

Natalia leaned back in her chair taking a good look at her brother. His permanent frown has relaxed into a somewhat smile. She knew Cassie had everything to do with that. They had been quite the match much to her disgruntlement. Keith was living in the house they built for Cass the day after they showed her. Apparently he was already planning that but wanted to make sure Cassie asked before just presuming. It was still a bit odd to watch them but only because it was her long time best friend and her brother. She shivers still thinking about it but is coming to terms with it. 

"Good... Now on a different matter." She says putting down her papers making Keith's eyes snap to meet hers. "Jackson is going to be moving in permanently."

Keith sat down his folder focusing solely on his baby sister. Her eyes daring him to object. He stayed quiet as he studied her. "What of his home?"

"He only was there for a short time and was renting. He didn't own anything. He is going to be sending for the movers in the next few weeks to get everything transitioned down here."

She held her breath waiting for his reaction. Her eyes went wide watching as the corner of his lips lifted up. That was definitely not the reaction she was expecting. 


"Good?" She blinks wondering if her mind is playing tricks on her. "Just good?"

"I told city slick if he wanted to make this work that he would have to make the move."

"He has a name Keith," she grumbled sitting up straight tugging on her shirt. All she got in return was a chuckle from him. "When did you tell him this?"

"Shortly after the snake bite. He told me how serious he was and I told him the truth."

"Which is?"

"That this is your home-" he gestures around the office they were in before dropping his hands. "This is what you love and living in a city isn't you."

Her lip tilted up knowing her brother was right. She loved Jackson but the idea of moving to a city was a terrifying thought. It warmed her heart that Jax could see that and decided to take the leap. 

"I didn't know he felt like that back then."

Keith just snorted making her eyes snap to him. "The first time he came to visit I knew and that says something cause I can't stand any ninito around you."

Natalia rolled her eyes standing up from the chair, "he isn't a little boy Keith."

He smirked standing up with his folder in hand. "Did Cassie tell you she was selling her home in California?"

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