Chapter 27:Coming Home

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"Jackson what is going on?"

Cassie looks out the window to find a construction crew parked all up and down the road to the ranch. Jackson looks around as well in confusion but is confused as well. Julio smirks in the driver's seat as he pulls them up the drive way. It's not his place to say what all Nat has been planning and he didn't want to ruin the surprise. 

The sun was just beginning to rise as the truck came to a stop in front of the house. Cassie doesn't wait as she jerks the door open jumping down and racing into the house. Julio chuckles at her watching as everyone stops to watch the frazzled blonde run in. Jackson reaches back grabbing his bag before reaching his hand over to Julio. The man raises a brow not expecting that. He was very aware of how this city slicker felt about him. Right now, the man sitting beside him looked genuinely grateful so he reached out shaking his hand. The dark hair man nods his head in a way of saying thanks before getting out of the truck as well. Julio smirks surprised at the man. He may just be alright after all. 

Cassie is quick to run up the stairs disregarding Maria who is saying something in rapid Spanish. She makes it to Nat's room throwing the door open. Keith is sitting in a chair beside the bed holding Nat's hand as they both sleep. Cass releases a breath as she steps to the bed and slowly sits down making the old bed dip under her weight. She takes her friend's free hand into her own feeling a sense of relief wash through her. Her eyes begin becoming misty as she looks down at her sleeping friend. 

"None of that princess"

The words were soft in the room but none the less made her snap her head to a now fully awake Keith. His piercing blue eyes looking directly at her. She looked to the ceiling blinking her eyes a few times to hold the tears at bay. She then turns her attention back to Nat. 

"How is she?"

"She feels like a bullet just pierced her leg..." 

Cass jumps up yelping hearing the groggily voice. Nat smirks as she attempts to open her eyes more but can't seem to as she continues to blink trying to stay conscious. Cass is quick to come forward cupping her cheeks keeping her face close. 


"I'm here Cass"

Cass feels the dam break as she cries pressing her forehead to her friend's. Keith watches as Cass' emotions overflow seeing Nat okay. His lips twitching to smile watching how close they are. He would have never believed his sister all those years ago. Keith's attention turns to the door where he sees Cass' agent, and Nat's love interest stand. He looks like death warmed up. Keith stands up making Cass and Jackson look to him. He leans forward kissing Nat's head in an affection way. 

"I'll be back sis"

He says gently against her head. She nods a bit in understanding as he walks out of the room as he gestures to the now vacant chair for Jackson. The man nods as he steps in and Keith leaves glancing back once to find Cass laying her head on Nat's lap. His sister trying to keep her eyes open. He smiles softly before putting his hat on and going to check on the renovations and the ranch. 

Jackson avoids the chair and decides to sit on the side of the bed. Nat's brown eyes barely awake but she turns her head enough to look at him and smile gently. Her shaky hand coming up to brush his cheek. His hand comes up keeping hers attached to him. 

"I.. missed. you." She says looking at him. Cass looks up and realizes she is looking to him. She chuckles making her friend look back to her. "I love you sis"

Cass feels herself chuckle shakily while Nat's eyes close again. Cass leans forward kissing her forehead. "I love you too sis"

She looks to Jackson but his eyes are trained on her. Feeling like he would like some time alone, she squeezes Nat's hand before releasing it and standing up. She straightens herself before walking to the doorway. She turns back to find Jackson rotating himself so his body is against the head board and Nat begins curling to his side. The sight making Cass smile through her emotional state. She nods her head to herself before walking out of the room to go to her previous room. 

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