Chapter 44: Outlaw and Storm

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"You ready sis?"

Nat looks up from her paperwork to find Keith standing at the entrance to her office in the stable. She arches her back trying to get the knot out that been sitting there for a few days now while nodding to Keith. He turns and walks out as Nat stands up stretching her arms above her head. Her lower back has been stiff and no matter what she does, it doesn't seem to be loosening. She sighs trying to find some energy today. She woke up already feeling tired which is not how usually feels. 

Throwing on her hat, she leaves the office looking around at the stable and the stable hands that are getting prepared for the two new arrivals. Keith and Nat were heading to go pick them up today. They decided a few weeks ago to purchase Cassie and Jax their own horses for when they return. Her tour was coming to a close and they would be returning in a weeks time. To say the siblings were missing the duo, would be an understatement. Keith was quiet even more so than usual and Nat knew he was constantly thinking about Cass. Although she had her concerns initially, she could see how deep both their feelings ran and knew that they were in for the long haul. It made Nat happy surprisingly. She wanted them both to have their happily ever after. 

For Nat, Jackson has engraved himself so deeply into her everyday life. She would text him randomly throughout the day and he would call every chance he had. He would tell her daily how much he wished he was back in Texas. How he was ready to be surrounded by nothing but her. She would speak of him only having a little longer even though she wanted nothing more than to tell him to come back immediately. She was fully aware that her heart and soul yearned for him and was counting down the time til he and Cass would be back. Her emotions have been high lately and she would try to keep them in check as he told her loved her and she loved him. She had some nights where she would feel like crying just because he wasn't here. It wasn't something she was used to. 

She climbed into Keith's truck as he finished hitching the trailer. Pulling out her phone she finds Jax sent a pic of Cass performing on stage from last night. A smile crept up her face looking at her friend. She had nothing but pride for Cass and the strength she possessed. It showed in so many ways. 

Hearing the other door open, she puts her phone down turning as Keith takes off his hat and starts the engine up

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Hearing the other door open, she puts her phone down turning as Keith takes off his hat and starts the engine up. She puts on her seatbelt as he does his before they leave their ranch. The silence enveloping them for a bit. After a while she turns to her brother leaning her back against the door of the truck. 

"You think they will like their surprise?"

Keith's lips turn into a smirk glancing at her. He nods his head, "I think it's the perfect welcome home present."

She smiles, "Why did you choose a stallion for Cass?"

He shrugs before glancing at her, "I want her to create the same bond you did with Shadow."

Just think of her dark stallion made her face light up. That boy has been attached at her hip for a few days now. His behavior was odd to everyone but Nat just thought that maybe he had missed her while she was gone in California. She rides him every morning but instead of him leaving her once they reach home, he walks silently behind or beside her until she enters the home. When she emerges from the house or her office, he immediately appears at her side. She was proud to have such a companion to call her boy. 

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