Chapter 38: Interview Gone Wrong

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"Cassie, I was just informed-"

"And now with her newest hit, let us welcome... Cassie Lyndel!"

"Hold that thought Jackson"

Cassie waves as she walks out from backstage waving at the crowd. Her hand reaching for the microphone stand as she begins hearing the familiar beat begin playing through the stereo. She begins singing the song closing her eyes as let's the music take her away. She continues singing her heart out until the song comes to an end. Her eyes opening to find the crowd on their feet and Jimmy walking over to her still clapping. 

"Wow... Just WOW! Great new song Cassie!" He comes over taking her hand leaning forward to kiss her cheek. She smiles thanking him as he leads her over to the seats. She takes a seat after nodding a thanks to the crowd that is still applauding. "Thank you for joining us Cassie. You know I am a big fan and just love your music!"

"Thank you Jimmy! I'm happy to be here."

"Now this song was released just a few months ago and has already hit number one for I believe 5 weeks straight... Is that correct?"

"Yes I believe so"

"Just phenomenal! This song you wrote I was told after a break up with former manager Landon Bounds?"

"The song was created due to her a heart break but more than that, it was me wanting to find myself again."

"Well whatever it was, we LOVE the new Cassie Lyndel! You have just release the entire album and in it's first week has sold over 3 million copies... 3 MILLION! That's insane!"

"It is exciting" She says still smiling ear to ear. The audience clapping again. 

"So tell us what the inspiration was for the new album."

"Like I said, it's a self titled album because I wanted it to be about music that means a lot to me. The songs all have hold a special place in my heart for different meanings."

"Now unlike previous albums, these songs have a very country touch to them compared to pop."

"Yes, well let's just say I got in touch with my southern roots and I don't plan on turning back."

Jimmy smiles leaning back in the chair. "So no longer pop princess rather a country belle?"

She laughs shaking her head. "Something like that."

"Well that's not the only thing we hear that you've been singing. Take a look everyone at a post Cassie recently put up."

The crowd whistles and Cassie laughs watching as her and Nat jam out on a trip into town her truck. The movie ends and the spotlight comes back up. 

"Now, that's a great song-"

"Great song"

"I have to admit though the woman that is with you sings quite good as well."

Cassie laughs hoping Nat's watching this. "Yea she is definitely something but she is a HUGE Reba fan. Huge!"

"Well that brings me to another topic. It was recently leaked you singing a Reba song."

"Yeah" She cringes as she remembers her singing in her studio the song, Turn on the Radio. 

"Well I loved it and I'm not the only one." Cassie tilts her head slightly as Jimmy as he pulls out a picture of a snapchat. "Reba actually commented on your version of her song and this is what she wrote 'Incredible singer, almost puts me to shame. Much love to Ms. Lyndel and her work'. Now reading that, were you aware-"

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