Chapter 21: Preview

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Cass says in the vast emptiness of the home. The sounds of the horses linger outside the windows while the curtains blow gently in the afternoon breeze. Hearing the shuffling of feet, she walks towards the living room to find a disheveled Nat trying to flatten her hair while Jax stands to the side scratching his neck. Cass just giggles lightly shaking her head. 

"Hey!" Nat says slightly breathless. Cass can't help but smirk.

"Hey." Her eyes shifting to Jax who appears to have found something very amusing outside. "You requested me?"

Nat smiles brightly before walking over to pull Cass in. Her eyes lingering over the couch like it's diseased ridden. Jax coughed trying to cover up his laugh at the clear disgusted present on Cass' face. Nat turns to him before looking back to Cass. Nat rolls her eyes now but Cass points down towards the couch. 

"I'm not sitting there."

Jackson can't help but laugh along with Nat. Cass looking between the two completely serious. Nat sobers up long enough to gesture her to the guitar. 

"Grab your baby. We have something we need to do."

Cass nods her head and picks up the guitar before feeling Nat take her hand leading her out the backdoor. Jackson following behind the girls. Cass turning to him long enough to wiggle her eyebrows suggestively. He just smiles and shakes his head negatively. Nat leads her best friend to sit down where she was at earlier however no their is a camera set up. Cass raises a brow but takes the seat. Nat walking over to stand by the camcorder. 

"What... is going on?" Cass asks confused. Her eyes moving from the camera to Nat then Jackson. Her agent clears his throat gaining her attention. He sits down in a chair off to the side leaning forward pressing his elbows on his knees. Cass watching him while Nat plays with the camera. 

"Landon has made headlines a ton in the last week and your disappearance has actually fueled his stories."

Cass slouches not believing her ears. She hasn't been paying attention to her phone while she's been here. It has helped her to forget everything else and just focus on the music. Feeling a hand on hers, she focuses to find Nat kneeled in front of her holding her hand. A smile still gracing her lips. 

"That is okay Cass, your fans still believe you but we thought we could give them a sneak of your new album and help your story..." 

Cass nods not understanding until it hits her like a freight train. Her eyes go wide and she shakes her head negatively like a bobble head. Jackson stands back but watches as Cassie's nerve gets the best of her. Nat isn't letting up. 

"Nat, I-I can't... It's not- I'm not ready."

"That is exactly why it's perfect." Cass continues staring at her like she is insane. "How many times have you played your first hit?"

Cass rolls her eyes, "I can't even count..."

"And does it feel like it did the first time you sang it when you do it now?"

"Well no-"

"Exactly!" Nat exclaims gesturing her arms like she won a victory. "The first few times you sing your songs... they are raw, they prevail your emotions."

Cass pouts realizing she's been duped. Jackson can't help but smirk at the face but more so by the grin Natalia is displaying. Nat pats her knee before standing back up and walking back to the camera. Cass inhales deeply and releases slowly. Her fingers going to the strings for a moment. Her eyes not focusing on the camera or the two standing there. Her eyes focusing on the daylight glistening on the lake. The shimmers bringing her mind to ease. She looks back to the camera as Nat gives a head nod and presses record. The red light showing. Cass puts on a polite smile. 

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