Chapter 42: Goodbye

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Cassie and Natalia help with the dishes after everyone is finished. Jackson excuses himself to take a call leaving Keith to watch the girls. A few minutes go by and Jackson returns looking troubled.

"Cassie?" All eyes turn to him. "We have to head to the label.. now."


Natalia's brows furrow at him. He doesn't look to her however keeps his gazed locked on Cass. Her eyes drifting to her best friend who wears the same expression as her. Keith stands up walking over to her before turning to Jackson. 

"What is it?" Keith asks the question they were all thinking. 

"Everyone can come but we need to go."

He doesn't say anything else earning a bunch of confused looks. Natalia steps away from the sink going over to him. He takes her hand giving a head nod to the other couple before taking Natalia back to their room. She follows not saying anything as he guides her down the hall. Once the door is closed she tugs his hand. 

"Hey... talk to me." She says softly making him sigh lowly. 

"Her parents are at the label and refuse to leave before speaking with her."

Hearing this Natalia inhales sharply before releasing it slowly. Nodding her head he takes her to the closet pulling out his suit followed by Nat walking in to grab her blue jeans and a white tank top before reaching for the familiar leather jacket. Her fingers working through her dark locks. Once she feels satisfied she turns to find Jackson just watching her intently. He slow steps sauntering to her. He grips the sides of her leather jacket jerking her forward. Her body now pinned to his front while his gaze remains heated. 

"I love this jacket" his emphasis on the jacket making her smile coyly. He leans down with his lips hovering over her ear. "I preferred it last night."

She blushed remembering the events of last night. It was very hot and very electric. It wasn't like anything before. They have always had very heated, very passionate encounters but last night... it was slow and sensual. She didn't realize how much she would enjoy it. He worshipped her and continued to whisper words of praise to her. He spotted the jacket at one point and asked her to wear it... with nothing else. He took a photo of her and told her that it would be his new background. She laughed but didn't care, she trusted him. They talked for hours about so many things. It was.. Perfect. 

"Simmer down boy," she gently presses him back making his hot eyes staring down at her. "We need to get going, remember?"

He grumbles out heading to his bathroom. Natalia smiles shaking her head before sitting down to get her boots on. He walks back out and leans against the bathroom door. Nat can feel his gaze drilling into her. She stands finally meeting his gaze, "Ready love?"

She nods her head and he straightens his jacket before opening his bedroom door. They step out walking back out to find Cass standing near the window with Keith wrapped around her. Hearing their footsteps they turn to them. "Jackson what's going on?"

"I'll explain on the way."

Natalia can see how reluctant Cass is but she nods regardless and takes Keith's hand pulling him out. Nat gives her a reassuring smile as she steps by forcing Cass to smile slightly. They leave his place and make it down to the cars. Natalia climbs in the passenger seat to Jackson's car as he goes to the driver side. Cass and Keith taking the back seat holding each other hands firmly. Jackson takes Natalia's hand as he pulls out of the garage.

Making excellent time they arrive at the label to find a horde of reports outside. Cassie groans loudly seeing them leaning her head against Keith's arms. The dark cowboy leans over kissing her head while squeezing her hand bringing her comfort. Jackson drives around back parking the car. They walk into the building finding all eyes turning to them. Cassie and Keith follow Jackson and Natalia as they head to the elevator. They all get on luckily with no one else present. 

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