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5 Years Later

Cassie smiled turning on the TV as she lifted her feet putting them on the coffee table. A soft hiss escaping her lips before a sigh of content followed. She rested her body into the comfort of the couch. The scent of Keith's cologne lingering on it making her intentionally inhale deeply. Her focus turning back to the television just as the talk show began. 

"Aunt Cassie!"

"In here Rose!" She yelled out.

The patting of feet made the blonde beauty smile as her partner in crime rounded the couch. Her wild hair all over the place as she rubbed her eyes. She has grown so beautifully with her mother's dark hair and her father's blue eyes. Cassie knew the couple would have their hands full when she became older. 

Rose flopped down next to Cassie with a huff before turning her body and laying her head on Cassie's protruding belly. Cass only smiled as she put her hands in her hair gently massaging her scalp. The little princess rubbing her hand over the orb that was now her stomach. She bit her lip to stop from laughing at the little girl. Rose had been fascinated by her growing stomach for some time now. It was an interesting conversation explaining to her why she had gotten so big. Rose looked horrified believing she had eaten the child leaving Cassie in tears from laughing so hard. 

It seems as if it was just yesterday that Rose had come home from the hospital however time flies when you are happy. For Cassie, she felt like a damn time traveler with how fast the last few years have flown by. Rose is now 5 going on 6. She has her own baby brother who is currently 2 years old named Declan. He was gifted the name after Keith and Nat's father. 

Speaking of Nat, she is still running the farm along side her brother. Their farm had become one of the top ranches in all of the south. Not that it came as a surprise, they worked hard to get to where they are at. They promoted Mateo a year ago as a manager since Keith's original second hand had left the ranch. Mateo was ecstatic and takes his job very seriously. This allows for both of the siblings to take a break when needed. 

Natalia and Jackson are still going strong. Cassie can practically feel their love when ever they are around each other. Watching her best friend and now sister fallen so deeply in love, it brings her happiness. Nat was never the type for affection but with Jackson, she had an entirely different outlook. Jackson was her balance just as she was his rock. They worked well together and Jackson's agency had grown as well. The couple had been thinking about adding another member to their growing family but Cass had not been informed as of yet if Nat is pregnant again. 

Keith and her had tied the knot about 8 months after he proposed. They had a small wedding where only close friends had joined and Tate did walk her down the isle as promised. The media had caught wind of the marriage after the fact so luckily they were not their to intrude on the festivities however the weeks following, they seem to buzz around. Nat threatened to shoot of their feet if they dare step foot on her land. That put an end to their intrusion. Since then, they have taken their time to start a family. Keith had spoken to her that he would wait until she was ready. Cassie definitely wanted children with him but wanted her life to slow down to enjoy it all. 

This leads them to this year. Cassie had decided to be officially done with touring. She still sings but now only special appearances. She was ready to have her life wrapped around her family and soon to be son. Yes, it was a boy. They had decided recently to name him Luke after one of their favorite singers. She was currently due in 3 weeks time. She was ready and also was over the swelling of her feet. She felt like a water buffalo moving around. Keith said he loved her pregnant body, stating it was sexy to him that she could glow and carry their child at the same time. 

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