Chapter 28: All In

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Nat groaned as she twisted in the bed. The sun was high in the sky and she was finally awake enough to feel restless. Her ankle felt an fire hot rod has been placed against it but she is refusing to take any more meds that will knock her out again. Hearing fast steps she turns to find Jax rushing to her. 

"What's wrong Natalia?"

She huffs seeing such worry and concern in his eyes. They woke about an hour ago and he had to help carry her to the restroom. Every step she took gave her a sharp almost unbearable pain shoot up her leg. She feels helpless which not something she is used to. Covering her face with her hands, she feels her frustration overwhelming her. Soft warm hands rub her arms making her drag her arms down. 

"I can't keep laying here Jax." She says with a sigh. The irritation of her current predicament evident in her voice. 

Jackson can see she hates this. He wraps one arm under her knees and the other behind her back picking her up and slowly walking her out of the room to not jostle her. She wraps her arms around his neck laying her head down on his shoulder. His lips brushing the top of her head as he continues to cautiously carry her down the stairs. 

"What the?"

They both look up to find Keith walking in the front door along with Julio. Jackson ignores them as he turns taking her to the couch in the living room before setting her down slowly. Both the other men coming into the room but Keith had something in his hand that made Nat almost cry in joy. 

Keith brought a crutch over setting it beside Talia when her eyes began to water. All three men quick to go to her but she held up her palm signaling them to halt. They stopped dead in their tracks and watched as she maneuvered the crutch to go under her arm. After a minute of adjusting she began to try standing. Jackson was quick to catch her as she stumbled back onto the couch. Gritting her teeth, she tried again with success this time. She stood for a moment to see how much pain she felt. It was still there but much more manageable. She gave her brother a smile in relief which he smirked in return understanding her. 

She began hobbling towards where she could here a guitar being played. Jackson trying to walk with her but she shook her head letting him know that she wanted to do this on her own. He nodded and let her leave. His eyes following her feet to make sure she was doing okay. He didn't even realize the two men were watching the interaction. 

"Julio, I'll meet you outside."

Jackson turned around as Julio walked around him while his eyes were locked with Keith's. Keith took a seat on a chair and Jackson took a seat back on the couch. Both were silent for a moment. Jackson was watching him as his jaw ticked like he wanted to say something but was trying to bite his tongue. He finally sighed running his hand through his hair looking to the ground. 

"I want you to know that I have no problem with you." He paused looking to Jackson who still sat there silently so he continued. "You have been nothing but respectful towards Nat. I just need to know.."

His voice trailing off not sure how to ask. Jackson furrowed his brows, "Need to know what?"

"What are your intentions?"

Jackson understood as his brows loosened and he thought of his question for a moment. Leaning forward onto his knees he locked his fingers together looking directly at Keith. 

"When I met your sister, I couldn't get over how different she was. She was a damn breath of fresh air compared to the woman in California. She is remarkable and stunning-"

"Careful" Keith warns lowly.

"The more I got to know her, the more I realized how much I want her in my life."

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