Chapter 20: Finding her song

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But I miss me more
I miss my own beat, to my own snare drum
I miss me more
Miss my own sheets in the bed I made up
I forgot I had dreams, I forgot I had wings
Forgot who I was before I ever kissed you
Yeah, I thought I'd miss you
But I miss me more

Clap Clap Clap

Cassie turns to find Nat standing there with a smirk on her lips. She sat the paper to the side while Nat walked over to sit down beside her before picking up the notebook. Cass bit her lip waiting to hear her friend's thoughts. She looked out to the back yard enjoying the serenity. 

Nat sat read over the lines her friend produced and could feel her tears ducts working. She was so proud of her. She is turning her experience into her legacy. It was clear that she was over Landon and that made Nat so fucking happy. 

"I found my independence... Can't believe I ever lost it" 

Nat read out loud as her friend nodded her head looking to her lap. She could tell the wound was still fresh but Cass was wanting to move past it and that is the most important thing. She reached out taking her friend's hand squeezing it. Cass looked up to her with glossy eyes before clearing her throat.

"This place has been working wonders Nat. I couldn't write a song to save my life in Cali."

"I'm glad"

And she meant it. Having Cass here was not only good for Cass but it also put Nat's worries to rest. She had an idea of something she wanted to do for her best friend but wanted to see how the next few weeks go. 


A clearing of a throat made both girls turn their heads to the intruder. Standing where Nat previously was is Keith. Cass' eyes shamelessly drinking his physique in. Nat tilted her head before turning to Cass who had her 'fuck me' eyes. Nat could feel her body cringe but played it off by scratching her neck. 

"Yea Keith?"

"How's it coming back here?" He says nodding towards the notebook. Cass instantly beams. 

"I wrote the lyrics for the first song!" She practically was jumping in her seat. 

Keith chuckled stepping forward. Nat's eyes were dancing between the two. His hand outstretched to her which she took blushing as she stood up. Nat groaned standing up making both look to her. Her finger moving between the two. 

"I don't care what is going on here but Keith I am telling you what... Brother or not, I will castrate you if you hurt Cass."

Keith's eyes going wide and his body going stiff while Cass threw her head back laughing. She tugged his hand away leaving Nat to flop back down sighing heavily. Her hands rubbing down her face as the pair move out of sight. She sits there for a minute pulling the notebook back to her lap. A small smile gracing her lips. 


Nat looked up to find Miguel standing there ringing a towel in his hands. Nat looked to him confused and gave him her undivided attention. 

"What is it Miguel?"

"My brother was asking if you would come by and visit him and Naomi. I told him about you being back in town."

Nat smiled fondly. Miguel's older brother is Julio Torres. Him and his wife, Naomi ran the saloon in town. Julio also happens to be Keith's best mate. Julio was practically raised with her and Keith. Naomi was from a tribe on one of the resorts when they met by chance. Keith was hooked and did all he could to win her chief's approval and Naomi's heart. Nat became pretty close with Naomi because of this. They were an incredible duo. 

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