Chapter 50: Bright Future

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Nat kept glancing at Jackson who was out on the balcony of their room pacing back and forth and seemed to be speaking to himself. She tilted her head wondering what was going on with him. He seemed to be tense for most the day today. It was the first day on the trip and she thought maybe he was just stressed from the travel. Deciding she has waited enough, she gets up goin to the door gently sliding it open. His eyes instantly snapping to her freezing him in his tracks. 


She walks out wrapping the shawl around her body as she glances at the beautiful sight before her. This really was a beautiful place. Jackson spared no expense on this trip and gave her an incredible adventure to always remember. She leaned against the railing watching the sun cascade its final lights onto the waters dancing below. She felt Jackson come up behind her placing both his hands on the side of her railing encasing her. His head coming down so his chin rested on her shoulder. She brushed her hair to the opposite side trying to keep it out of his face. One of his hands leaving the railing to first brush her hair away from her neck before wrapping around her stomach. His fingers gently rubbing a circle on their baby. His lips finding the curve of her neck and shoulder laying soft kisses on it. 

"You look stunning love.."

She smiled turning her head to look at him. She stands up turning around to lock her arms around his neck. His arms instantly going to her waist pulling her in. She begins swaying and Jackson begins moving his feet making her turn around as they slow dance. No music playing but neither caring as Natalia looked into the eyes of the man she has fallen so deeply for. A smile lighting up her face as she realizes how lucky she is. Her smile so contagious that Jax smiles at her. 

"How did I get so lucky?" Natalia says caressing his cheek. 

He shakes his head gently dropping his eyes down before looking back at her. "Trust me... I feel like the lucky one here."

"Not possible." Natalia interjects stubbornly earning an amused chuckle from Jackson. He is quick to peck her lips before dipping her making her squeal momentarily before he pulls her back up. "Jax, are you alright?"

Her hand rubs the back of his neck and hair as he looks down to her curiously. "What do you-"

"You seemed to be tense today? Then you were just standing out here talking to yourself."

Jackson gives an aw look as he gives a head nod in understanding. "Ah, well... I have something I need to talk to you about."

He steps backwards making her follow his lead until he gently turns her making her sit in one of the chairs on the balcony. She raises a brow at him and watches him intrigued. He huffs before dropping down to one knee making Natalia's eyes widen in shock. The expression is priceless to Jackson who chuckles at her gobsmacked face. He reaches forward taking her hands into his own. 

"Stay with me love, don't faint on me now." 

"Jax..." She says a mere whisper floored by what is happening. His smile brighter than ever before making her insides do flips. 

"Natalia Thornton, you came in to my life breathing life into me. I can not thank god more for my car crapping out that day and for you stopping to rescue me. I can still remember you hopping out of the old beaten up-"

"Watch it" she says cutting it pointing a finger at him. He just chuckles continuing. 

"Let's just say, that day was a blessing to me. You showed me time and time again that I couldn't predict what you would do next... and I love that. I love that everyday with you is a new adventure, that I never get tired of learning everything I can about the enigma that is you." Natalia's eyes glisten as she giggles gently at him. "You quickly became my everything Natalia. I love you more than words could ever say and now you are carrying our child giving me the second greatest gift of all. I can not picture a future without you in it, and I'll be damn if I ever gave you to another. I want to wake up everyday wrapped around you and fall asleep every night holding you... Natalia Thornton, I love you... will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

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