Chapter 13: Start of an Adventure

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"Alright Cass, get up!"

Cass felt a cold wind instantly on her legs. Her eyes shooting open to finding Nat standing over her with the blanket in her hands. She groaned before flipping over digging her head back into the pillow. A muffled 'go away' being heard through the room. Nat rolled her eyes dropping the blanket before going over to rip open the curtains followed by her jumping on Cass' bed and unceremoniously flapping her arms out like a starfish. 

Feeling the weight of her friend's arm on her back and her leg on top of hers before releasing an over exaggerated sigh. Cass felt herself smile into the pillow before lifting her head. Another loud sigh escaping Nat before she rotated practically laying on top of her. Cass groaned making Nat giggle. 

"I'm up, I'm up!"

Nat rolls off of her allowing her to lift her head off the pillow to squint her eyes playfully at her. She in return gives an innocent smile that is anything but innocent before standing up from the bed. Her hands going to her hips as she whips around giving Cass a wide grin. Cass looks to her warily. Nat is not the type to pose like a cheerleader. 

"We have plans"

At this Cass raises a brow but Nat does not further explain. She rolls her eyes before slinging her legs over the bed. Her arms raising high to stretch before standing up. She looks down and realizes she is still in her dress from last night. The memories of last night invading her mind. The weight of the memory making her legs give out and she sits back down on the bed. Nat watched from behind before coming down and kneeling before her. Her friend has her head down while clutching the end of her dress in her hands. 


"He could have hurt you." 

Her voice broken and she refuses to meet Nat's eyes. Nat slowly pulls at Cass' hands before gripping them in her own. Her eyes still trying to search for her friend's blue ones. 

"Cass, look at me" Hearing a shaky exhale, she waits. A moment later those glossy blue eyes finally meet her. Her hands still safely secured within her own. "I am right here"

Cass doesn't say anything for a few minutes but continues staring deeply into the only sense of home she has ever known. The chocolate eyes bringing a sense of comfort that only they can. After a minute Cass leans forward and closes her eyes as her forehead meets her rock. Nat can realize this brings her comfort. She closes her eyes and allows her friend to find her strength. Another few minutes pass before Cass pulls back and putting on a small smile. Nat takes that as her queue to stand. Holding her hand out, she helps her friend stand up. 

"Where are we going?"

Nat smirks making Cass smile return. Nat just hums before turning on her heel and strolling into Cass' closet. The blonde shakes her head giggling before making her way to the ensuite. Nat pays no attention as she pulls out one of Cass' suit cases and begins to pack. Throwing the clothes unceremoniously into the bag. She begins hearing the water running in the shower as she goes to the shoes. Nat scratching her head while looking through the never ending amount of shoes she has lined up. Good lord, Nat is lucky if she has maybe 6 pairs total. Cass easily has over 50 pairs. Her phone vibrates in her pocket. Pulling it out she smiles down at it. 

Jax (10:04 am) Tate wants to see Cassie before you head out. Can you swing by here sweetheart?

"Whose got you smiling?"

Nat whips her head up to find Cass leaning against the door with a towel wrapped around her. She walks over looking through the clothes before deciding on a simple black button up. She looks at a yellow shirt that buttons up before yanking it down and tossing it over to Nat. She looks at it before deciding to cave in to her friend's wishes.

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