Chapter 54: Back at It

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"You have to promise to stay small til I get back"

Cass kisses the top of Rose's head still rocking back and forth talking gently to the little baby. It was mid day and she couldn't focus on packing. She came over to find her fast asleep while Jackson was packing his things in the adjacent room. She sighed looking at the window feeling her eyes swell up yet again. 

It had been two months since Rose has been born. Tate had stated that she would need to come back to have a meeting about her new record. Yes, she had already created another new album. She found so much inspiration living out here that she never felt blocked as she continued to write songs one after another. She had created 18 songs in a little over 3 months. Her inspiration included the scenery, other music, but most of all her family.

Jackson and Nat had finally got the night routine down with lil Rose. Jackson has joked about wanting another one already. In truth, she wasn't sure if he was joking. Nat had once again balanced not only the ranch but her new role as a mom. Cass was in complete awe of her and how she handled everything thrown at her. In some way, she had always been a caregiver, specifically to Cass. 

Julio and Naomi had come over to visit multiple times to see the new member of the family. Julio had helped with certain things while Nat was recovering but was happy to hand it back over when Nat was ready. Cass had found out that Naomi couldn't have children sadly and had offered to help with Rose whenever.

Keith had been nothing short of perfect to Cass. Yes, he is temperamental and sometimes moody BUT he would never take it out on her. They had the discussion of marriage and children one evening while Keith was holding Rose. Nat and Jackson had went for a walk after dinner leaving Rose in their care. Keith had told her that it is something he truly wants in the future but does not wish to rush Cass in anyway. She wasn't scared at the idea of a family and marriage with Keith. She made that perfectly clear later that night. 

"Cassie, what are-" Her eyes snap to the door to find Jackson looking at her confused before he sighs finding her with teary eyes. "Talk to me Cassie."

Her bottom lip wobbled as she cradled Rose close to her chest. This has also been a new thing for her. Jackson and her talk like siblings now. He would give her advise and listen to her worries. She trusted his advise when it came to her career but right now, she wished she hadn't agreed to do one more tour. 

"I don't want to leave Jackson.." her voice coming out low as her eyes remained glued on Rose who was already looking up at her. 

Jackson sighs stepping into the nursery stopping in front of her looking down at his beautiful little girl. To say Cassie has grown attached would be an understatement. She sometimes shows up here before him or Natalia are out of bed. He has considered revoking her key but figured that would lead to a huge argument with his wife. He has come to the conclusion when it's him vs Cass... She typically wins out. 

He kneels down placing his hand on her knee making those baby blues look to him. "Cass, we won't be gone too long and if you want this to be the end, then it will be."

She nods her head while continuing to rock. "Why are you not more upset?"

Jackson's lips twitch slightly at her whiny voice. In truth, he didn't want to leave neither. His daughter was still so young and he didn't want to miss a thing but he would rather be gone now then in the future when she remembered him leaving. It didn't make it any less hard. Nat had practically become the air he breaths. She was everything to him next to Rose. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her and he cherished her daily. Keith had finally started treating him like a brother and not an outsider. 

"Trust me Cassie, this isn't easy for me either BUT I can do this because I know I'm doing it for her."

Cass took a deep inhale releasing it slowly. Jackson reached out for Rose and Cass pouted as the cute baby was taken from her arms. Her emotions seemed to be heightened lately due to her heading back to California. It had been a year since she was touring and singing outside of this town. The locals have become use to her singing at Julio's and Naomi's bar while also doing interviews and songs virtually. 

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