Chapter 7: Reminiscing

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Pulling back into Cass's garage, Nat heaves hoping the meeting with her manager went well. Reaching over, she grabs the bags from the market including the holy grail... Coffee. Nat couldn't believe her friend didn't have any in her house. Cass was stocked up on herbal tea... How the hell was that going to wake her up?! Walking through the garage door, she finds her best friend bouncing back and forth on her feet with a wide grin. 

"Good meeting I hope?"

Cass' bright blue eyes snap to her as she squeals loudly before running over to her making Nat drop the groceries to catch her best friend before giggling at her excitement. Cass continues crushing her and laughing with her. Pulling back, Cass' smile is still fully intact. 

"He said he likes the direction I was planning on going in."

Nat pulls back reaching for the remote to her stereo. Cass smiles before taking it and blast some country through the house. Both girls dancing and forgetting everything else. Cass wasn't sure when she presented the idea of a self proclaimed record if it would be such a good idea after only two records but Mr. Fillmore said if she had the right material, it would be a perfect time before the renewal of her contract. 

Nat continued swinging her hips putting away the groceries while Cass sang along to the Carrie Underwood lyrics. Nat smiled turning around to see her best friend finding herself yet again. Nat knew this is what she needed, just some direction to find her peace once again... and she was glad she was able to help. 

Nat was pulled out of her thoughts hearing her phone ringing. Glancing down she sees a call coming in from Keith. She whistles at Cass gaining her attention as she motions to her phone and pointing outside. Cass nods going back to the song while Nat slips out back answering her brother's call. 

"Hi Keith"

"Hows my baby sis?"

"Good, just chillin with a friend."

"Ah... the elusive friend?"

"She is... something." Nat says glancing back to find a dancing Cass still in the living room. 

"Hey quick question, if I was to be a trainers book... where would I be?"

Nat throws her head back with an exaggerated sigh. "You seriously lost your own training book?!"

"No..." His voice sounding far away as the sound of ruffling is made. Nat rolls her eyes waiting for him to stop looking in her office. "Okay.. maybe."

"Top drawer right side, key is hanging by my door." She says as she hears him move around. The sounds of keys jingling. She bites her lip as she hears him sigh on his end. "Keep in mind that is MY copy and I want it put back safely."

"Got it..." The drawer is pushed shut and he stands up making her office desk screech. "Thanks sis."

"What would you do without me?"

"Couldn't even imagine it sis... Have a good evening. Love you!"

"Love you too Keith!" 

Ending the call, she turns back to find her friend in her own world. A smile tugging at her lips before she decides to do a quick message to her newest acquaintance her in California. 

Talia (7:34 PM)  Hope your evening is going well Jax and don't overwork yourself!

She puts her phone away and goes back inside to find her friend singing to another song. Walking up, Cass turns around as Nat joins her in the song. Cass stops all of sudden making Nat halt as well. Her eyes go wide and Nat already doesn't like the look she is sporting. Cass grabs her hand and drags her down the hallway to her room. Her sound system playing in her room as well. Cass pushes Nat into a chair at the vanity and she internally groans instantly knowing what Cass wants to do tonight. However she doesn't have the heart to stop her so she huffs but allows her to start attacking her face in make up. 

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