Chapter 36: Relocate

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"Have you heard the new single by Cassie Lyndel?"

"Cassie Lyndel has another hit on her hands!"

"She is changing her tune and we love it!"

"Cassie Lyndel slayed a Reba McEntire classic!"

"Pop princess, Cassie Lyndel has started going to country & We. Love. It!"

Jackson and Cassie smirked as Tate continued to flip through some of the most recent headlines. Being back in California, they were quickly flanked by the media wanting to discuss her new album. It has been a few weeks since the show in Texas. This was their first time back in California and neither really seemed to miss it.

"Welcome home Cassie!"

Tate stood from his chair rounding his desk to embrace his young artist. Cassie stood up as well happy to embrace the man that has treated her like family. His arms patting her back before releasing her and shaking hands with Jackson. He came back around his desk to settle still smiling ear to ear over the headlines. He looked to the duo in front of him and realized how different they both appeared.

"We have much to discuss so let's get to it." He turns his attention to Cassie first. "The single has skyrocketed on the billboards and has claimed the number one spot."

Cassie bowed her head in a gratitude gesture before glancing at Jackson. The older man noticed and then turned to Jackson.

"You have been able to maintain your work load even being located out of state." Jackson gives Tate the same nod of his head Cassie did before glancing at her. Tate raised a brow knowing they have something they are wanting to say. "Alright, out with it."

"Tate, I want to relocate." Cassie says politely.

He goes quiet for a moment leaning back in his chair interlocking his hands on his stomach looking at her. He couldn't stop her even if he wanted to but in all honesty he thought for the last few weeks it would be better for her to be located out of Texas. He turned his eyes to his newest agent who had the same look on his face. "I'm presuming you are about to say the same?"

Jackson gave a firm nod of his head. He had been thinking about it for some time. Yes his job was here and yes he had family here... But California didn't have Natalia. He figured if he could prove he could work from anywhere that it wouldn't be such an issue with the label. In regards to his family, he spoke with his aunt and she was thrilled that he found someone that she practically told him to never return. He was ready for this commitment and he had no doubts where his future stood with Natalia.

Tate continued looking at the two before dropping his gaze to his hands with a small smile tugging at his lips. "I was actually wondering how long it would take for you two to inform me of this."

Jackson and Cassie look to him in surprise making him chuckle shaking his head. Cassie finally speaks asking the question 'what'.

"Cassie dear, I have seen you grow since your college years but I can honestly say you have never looked as happy as you have in the last few months and I have a feeling one.. or perhaps two people were the cause for that."

Cassie blushed biting her lip and dropping her gaze to her lap. This earned a low chuckle from Tate and a smirk from Jackson. Tate turned to him before continuing, "You're in the same boat boy."

Jackson's smirk dropped making Cassie snort at him. They looked like kids getting scolded by the principal. Tate was full of smiles and chuckles looking at the pair. Each having a hint of pink on their cheeks. Neither disagreeing knowing full in well he was right. They both have been happier since staying out at the ranch especially with the company.

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