Chapter 29: Being Happy

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"What are you up to princess?"

Cass lifted her eyes from her notebook to find Keith leaning against the frame to her current room. She sets the notebook to the side as Keith slowly makes his way into the room. She moves her legs making room for him to sit down at her feet. Cass can't help but look into his ocean eyes as his body lowers near the foot of the bed. She leans back against the headrest still looking intently at him. 

"Just sent Nat on her date and felt inspired..." Her hand gesturing towards the notebook. 

Keith glances at it momentarily before looking back at her. The moment passing in silence as they continue looking into the depths of each other. Cass is unsure what he sees however she knows what is before her. His eyes however hold uncertainty. 

"Care to go on adventure with me princess?"

"Care to give me a different nickname?" 


He pats her leg through the blanket before standing up. She huffs playfully making a smile appear on his face. He holds out his hand towards her. Cass doesn't hesitate taking it while pushing the blanket off her legs. Keith's hand tightens momentarily on hers. She looks down and is confused. She was wearing jean shorts and a simple tank top over her sports bra. She reaches down grabbing her boots. Keith releases her hand in the processes as she tugs on the cowgirl boots. Straightening back up, the man is smirking down at her before glancing at the boots. She just rolls her eyes aware of what he is thinking. The boots are really comfy and she has been wearing them with practically everything. 

Keith can't help but look at the woman in front of him. He remembers what he believed her to be based off of all the interviews, the music, and the photos in magazines. He was expecting a princess who was constantly being told how perfect she was. First time actually meeting her, he could see it... Laying in her eyes were her own struggles and her fighting to come out on top. Now she stands here in a simple country girl outfit with her hair thrown up in a pony tail and can not believe how wrong he was. She isn't high maintenance and is extremely humble. Her appearance at the Dirty Dozen drew multiple eyes and she was friendly enough to speak to everyone who wanted to and giving autographs when requested. 

"Come on"

He reached back out for her hand again which she took with no reservation. Leading her through the house and out the front door. The son was setting as he took her to the stables. Her other hand coming to clasp onto their intertwined hands as her eyes looked at all the horses in the stalls. He whistled and instantly a head stuck out of a stall. He walked her over and reach to brush the beautiful brown mare. 

"Princess, this is my beauty Oakley."

Cass releases his hand so she could step up to gently brush the beautiful horses long face. "Hi Beauty"

The horse neighed making her smile. Keith unlocked the hatch to the stall before swinging the door open. Cass stepped back as he stepped into the stall patting the large horses back as he walked around her. He clicked his tongue and the large mare stepped out of the stall waiting further instruction from Keith. He grabbed a saddle and reigns before placing them on her. Cass stood back watching as he tended to the horse. 

After a few minutes he looked to her, she walked over to stand beside him. He then guided her through how she will need to mount. He got on first and Cass followed his instructions to sit directly behind him. Keith reached back wrapping her arms around his torso. He glanced over his shoulder as she tried to keep some resemblance of space between them. 

"Come closer princess"

She listened and scooted so her front was touching his back in every way. Her hands then held more firmly feeling the contours of his abs under her finger tips. She couldn't help but move her hands up and down a little. Keith momentarily froze feeling her fingers grazing over his washboard. After a moment she stopped her exploration unfreezing the man as he shook his head and clicked his tongue steering Oakley out of the stables. 

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