Chapter 16: Changing it Up

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Jax leaps from his spot on the sofa hearing Natalia's loud voice. They have been getting ready for the club for some time now. He has been ready to go for about a half an hour now. He's come to realize that Cassie doesn't seem to mind that he has become close with her best friend. It was only arriving back at the hotel that he fully understood how much Cassie cared for Natalia. 


The girls giggle trying to shake off some sand as we arrive back at the hotel room. My eyes not being able to drag away from the curves on Natalia's backside. Fuck, she is gorgeous! Her phone begins ringing as she steps to the door. Cassie takes the key while continue staring like the sailor enraptured by the siren. Natalia finds her phone and I glance over to see 'Keith' lighting up her screen. 

"Hey Keith"

She walks in dropping her purse before walking over into the kitchen. My eyes following her curiously before I feel a pair of eyes on me. Turning my head slightly I find Cassie standing with a smirk on her lips. I clear my throat as she comes to stand beside me turning her gaze to her best friend who is still speaking to her brother about something and pacing the length of the kitchen. 

"She is my light Jackson. Fuck it up and I will ruin you."

I turn with surprised eyes at her nonchalant attitude. She pats my shoulder and walks away as if she didn't just threaten me. Have to admit, was a little impressed by her protectiveness of her best friend. From what Jackson has saw, they are far closer than any friends he has ever known. His eyes following as she begins up the stairs. He walks closer to her glancing at Natalia who is still occupied. 

"Is that a threat Ms. Lyndel?"

She stops and turns to him before answering. 

"It's Cassie..." Her eyes moving to Nat for a second. "And No, it's not a threat... It's a promise."

He raises a brow as she gives him a nod and continues up the stairs. He turns back looking at Natalia who is running her hand through her beach waves while still focusing on the call. He sighs hoping he doesn't fuck whatever this is up...

Flashback Ends

He gets to their room and knocks on the door. A moment later it swings up and Jax feels his eyes lasering in on Natalia... Or more specifically her outfit. 

"Please don't"

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"Please don't"

Her words are frustrated as she tugs at the jacket. She clearly looks uncomfortable in her dress. Is dress the right word?? Her silk black dress looked more light a silk gown one would wear to bed. Her jean button up he has seen before on her arms. Her legs are partially covered by the thigh high boots. She looks ready to be devoured. As much as he likes this, he equally hates it. Men will be looking her over like he is now. Great...

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