Chapter 24: Face the Music

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"Cassie are you ready?"

Cassie turned her gaze from the small window of the plane to Jackson. Her mind still elsewhere. They are close to landing in California. The afternoon sun slowly lowering in the horizon. Cass felt numb. That was the only word she could come up with. She thinks through her parents and Landon. More than anything she keeps replaying the conversation she had with Keith. 


"Cause I care"

Cassie couldn't help feeling her heart race at his statement. She turned her body before propping her head on her hand with her elbow to the bed. Keith turns his gorgeous blue eyes to look directly at her. She studies them trying to find a sign. A sign for what? She had no clue. Maybe that he wasn't lying, maybe that he truly cared about her well being, or just maybe... that he felt it too. Leaning forward slightly Keith was quick to back up making Cassie's heart plummet. 

She sat up no longer in the mood to look at him. Keith is quick to grab her forearm stopping her. She doesn't turn even as he sets up with his eyes burning a whole in the side of her head. His free hand comes around to cup her cheek making her turn her gaze to him. She looks down rather than meeting his gaze. She feels rejected...

"I like you Cassie" Her eyes snapping up at his confession but confusion pulls her brows together. 

"But why-"

"I don't want you to regret this." She looks at him like he is crazy. Is he? Has he seen him?!? She wanted to laugh but he looked so sincere. "I am not going to jump into this Cassie... not until you are ready."

She couldn't help but laugh at him. He kept a soft expression waiting for her to stop. When she finally did, her gaze met him to give him a look of utter disbelief. "Have you looked in a mirror?"

"Thank you" Keith says as he smirks but Cassie doesn't shy away. "That's not what I mean."

Cassie getting frustrated stands up making him drop his hand. Her arms crossing her chest as she turns around to look back at him. "Then what do you mean Keith?"

Keith stands up straightening his jeans. His gaze never wavering from hers. "Do you love yourself?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"An easy one... Do you love yourself Cassie?" 

Cassie's mouth opened as she wanted to say the word but nothing came out. She was stunned by his question but even more confused on why she just couldn't spit out the word yes. Keith kept looking seeing her struggle before he leaned forward kissing her forehead. Cassie's eyes closing involuntarily at the warmth. He pulled back looking into her eyes. 

"I'm not going anywhere Cassie. I will wait... but you need to love yourself before you could truly love anyone else."

"I-I" She could feel her frustration going. She pushed his chest back enough to make some space between them. Her eyes narrow in accusation as she looks at him. "I know my worth."

"Good. Now prove it."

Keith walks out of the room as Cassie stands rooted in her spot. She felt like she just got sucker punched but not sure why. She flopped her but back on the bed looking at the floor still lost. Why the hell could I not just say it?!?

Flashback End

Cassie nodded as they exited the plane in Los Angeles. A black limo outside but also a plethora of reporters waiting out the door. The moment it opens, Jackson steps down the stairs followed by Cassie. The cameras start going off and questions being flung. She puts on her glasses and a polite smile as she makes her way to the bottom. Security guards are quick to stop the paparazzi from flanking her. She can still hear the questions but ignores the comments and questions while climbing in the car. 

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