Chapter 40: Safely & Securely

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"I need you"

Nat stumbled to throw on sensible clothes while listening to her friend's broken voice through the phone. She stumbled a few times but didn't care. 

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

She didn't even hesitate when she heard Cass's plea. Whatever happened really shook her up and if Cass needed her, she was there. No questions asked. She spoke for a few more minutes to Cass trying to calm her before ending the call. She curses under her breath ready to murder who ever sent her into such turmoil. The ranch is blanketed in the darkness of the night with only the stars to light the grounds. She quickly grabs the few things she needs before making her way to her truck. She takes off and looks to Cassie and Keith's house. She slams on the breaks and runs up to the door knocking hard on it until it finally opens. Keith is wide away looking her over. 

"Talia, what is-"

"Cass needs us."

His face contorting into a different kind of worry. He locks his jaw nodding his head before running back into the house. Nat goes back to her truck and not even five minutes later, Keith is climbing in the passenger seat with a bag tossed in the back. She doesn't even think as she peels out of the driveway heading to her. She notices Keith is texting on his phone. He catches her looking and answers her unasked question. 

"Texting Darius to let him know we are leaving."

She nods her head recognizing the name. Darius is Keith's second hand man. "Text Miguel as well."

Keith nods and goes back to his phone placing it down before looking directly ahead. "What happened?"

"I don't know honestly. She called in tears from Jax' phone."

"Why did she call from-"

"I really don't know Keith... She said she needed me and that is all I needed to know."

"She could have called me." He mutters pitifully making Nat roll her eyes but not comment further. 

"It's a few hours drive if you want to go back to sleep."

"No, I will sleep when I see her."

Nat smiles gently at her brother. It's been clear for some time that the feelings run deep from both of them. She was happy for them both. Reaching over, she kicks on the radio. 

She was apparently transported to a hospital. The rumor going around is that he attacked her at her house.... Poor Cassie. 

Just like that she reached forward turning it up louder as both siblings grew unbearably more tense as the continued listening. 

Could you imagine what all she must have went through? For the last few months sooo many rumors flew around about her being in the wrong. That she ended things with him in a bitter manner BUT long and behold, the truth finally comes out. 

That's right! So now all the reports are stating that Landon left her and after her latest hits were released, he wanted to get back with her. She made it clear with that interview earlier that she was not having any of that though. 

Oh definitely! The radio hosts laugh together. The young beauty even said she would be with a WOMAN before going near him again... What a powerful way of shooting down ANY chance of a reconciliation. 

Well from what he have been informed. He wasn't taken it likely. He showed up at her home and a fight broke out. No other information has been released yet and no one has seen either party since the report broke. 

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