Chapter 47: Welcome Home Princess

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Keith looked down at the amber liquid in his cup sighing loudly. His free hand rubbing the back of his tense neck. He lifts his gaze when he feels eyes on him to meet his best friend's wife looking directly at him. She puts the clean glass up before picking up another not saying anything but keeping an eye on him. 

He doesn't care to admit it but he has been here a few more nights than normal due to a few things. The primary being his lack of company at home. He had become accustomed to his princess' presence and the last few months have really showed him how much he loves her. Her laughter, her bright smile, or her angelic voice. He wants it all and to never give it up. She was set to come home tomorrow so he had come out hoping to clear his head due to his other stress factor. City Slick. 

He wasn't exactly thrilled that Jackson had impregnated his baby sister. Natalia's pregnancy wasn't the worst thing but he wanted security that this man wasn't going to up and bolt. He made the promise to Talia that he would wait til she he had the chance to break the news. He only could hope that Natalia planned to break the news quickly because he sure as hell wasn't sure how he would stop himself from shooting at the man. 

"Keith, what's on your mind man?"

He looks up to find Julio leaning on the bar in front of him. He runs his hand through his hair before tossing back the shot letting the burning liquid run down his throat. His friend waiting patiently for an answer that he never gets. Keith just shakes his head tapping the glass silently asking for a refill. Julio has other plans and takes the cup away handing him just a beer instead. Keith raises a brow giving him a deadpan look. Knowing how stubborn Julio can be, he doesn't push it. 


Both men turn to Naomi's voice by the register but her eyes are set towards the entrance. Julio walks over standing by his wife while Keith returns to his beer. Hearing a low curse leaving Julio's lips makes him turn his gaze to the bar's entrance. His body going rigid and his eyes widening by sight before him. 

A women stood at the entrance of the bar. Her dark brunette hair pulled into an elegant bun as her body was fitted into a dress that looked to classy to be in this kind of place. Her eyes were searching all around the bar. Keith couldn't believe his eyes until they finally met his. Her eyes stopping the search before she stepped in clutching her purse in her hands. Some patrons giving her looks as she through but her gaze never wavered from his. Keith couldn't breathe. His head was spinning. This can't be happening. Julia.


He didn't say anything and just continued looking at her. This couldn't be the girl he fell madly for a year ago. It didn't even look like her anymore. Her style screaming sophistication and upper class. He could tell by the way her back remained straight and shoulders pressed back. She had a faint smile on her lips as she attempted to sit on the bar stool next to him. He turned back gripping his beer tightly in his hands. He could see her manicure out of the corner of his eye as he gulped at the beer. 

"It's been a long time.." her voice sultry. "How have you've been?"

"What are you doing here Julia?" He asks cutting through her bullshit. 

He looks behind her to find the owners keeping a close eye on them. Naomi trying to discreetly stand only a foot away as she wipes down the counter. Julio didn't even bother to pretend like he wasn't staring. Julia gives a small smile and turns to Naomi.

"Excuse me ma'am. May I have a glass of noir?"

Naomi gives her a tight smile, "no."

Julio coughs loudly trying to cover the laugh wanting to escape from his wife's bluntness. Naomi doesn't bother giving her a second glance before going over to the register taking over for Julio. He pats her back and steps over to stand in front of Keith and Julia. The uptight brunette giving a disgusted look to the women who just walked away before turning her charm to Julio. His face already telling her he isn't dealing with her shit. She drops the façade turning back to Keith. Her hand coming out to touch his arm but he shoots up out of the seat before she can even blink. 

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