Chapter 18: Home

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Natalia smiled looking as a familiar fence came into view. Her eyes looking over the abundance of mountains in the distance and the sun setting over them. She rolled down the windows to the truck allowing the familiar scent to envelope her. A grin seizing her lips from one ear to the other. Checking the rearview mirror, she finds Jax looking around as well. Turning  to her passenger seat, she nudges Cass who has fallen asleep. 

"Cass, wake up"

Cass begins sitting up while rubbing her eyes. Her eyes taking in all the details around with a look of wonder. The blonde couldn't believe how beautiful this was. Her friend really has made something for herself. The wood post with a heavy sign coming into view. Nat turns on her light signaling to turn. Jax following in suit as Nat began pulling into her driveway. Cass' eyes looking all around making Nat giggle gently. Her eyes reminding her of a kid at Christmas time. She notices a few horses in the corral and a familiar figure standing on the fence watching. She continues driving the rest of the way up to the house. 

"Holy Shit" Cass says under her breath. 

Stopping the truck

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Stopping the truck. Both girls get out as Nat looks around. Cass' jaw is slacked looking at the masterpiece her friend calls a home. All stone work. It has the true feel of a southern ranch. It was beautiful but not in an overbearing way. 

"Guys, welcome to my home"

Cass snaps her mouth shut and looks over to find Jax also looking on in awe. They go to question her but a young man runs up to them before they can. Nat turns to find Miguel running to her. He has been a good friend of the family for so long and recently moved here. 

"Mrs., Shadow is.." He leans over taking a breath while pointing over his shoulder. Nat understands without words and walks around the winded young man. Cass and Jax trailing behind. 

She is leading them to the barn where Nat can hear the familiar nays of her best friend. She also can hear some of the workers trying to soothe the creature. She gets to the entrance and holds her hand out signaling the two following to not move forward. Jax and Cass look at each other in confusion but listen regardless. A high whistle escapes Natalia's lips before everything goes silent. She does it one more time and that is when they see it. A black very large stallion standing at the other end. Nat stands still as Shadow looks to her in question. 

"Nat, what are you-"

Cass' questions dying on her lips as the large beast charges towards them. Her feet wanting to run but her muscles remaining frozen. Jax goes to step in front of Nat but a hand grabs his arm. He turns to find the young man shaking his head repeatedly at him. He turns back just in time to see the large dark beast about to plow Nat. 

Nat keeps her eyes locked on Shadow as the angry boy charges at her. As soon as he gets right in front of her, he stops. His hooves freezing him less than a foot away from her. His face only an inch from her own. Nat does not bow and looks directly in his eyes. After a minute, he finally gives in placing his head to hers. Nat gently raises her hands to clasp her boy's face securely in her palms. 

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