Chapter 4: Her Anchor

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Cass couldn't help throughout the meeting to keep glancing at her phone. She was nervous all to hell about this meeting with her new manager. She texted Nat this morning who told her she would do fine and just to be honest. She's never not listened to Nat's advise and did just that. She could see his frustration at the fact that she has a release coming up and has no idea what to write about. 

All her thoughts kept going to Nat. After the meeting ended, Jackson told her he would be reaching out to her in a day or so to discuss ideas. Cass gave a head nod and made her way to Clifford. The older man seemed to be gleaming today as he grinned at her. Cass raised a brow approaching him cautiously. 

"What's going on Clifford?"

The old man let out a gentle laugh at her worried tone. He knew what awaited her when she got home and he was excited to see her reaction. Shaking his head, he opens the door for her as she continues staring at him like he has grown a second head. 

"You're acting strange Clifford."

He closes the door and jogs to his side slipping into the driver seat with his smile still intact. Checking the rearview mirror, he can see Cassandra is still studying him. He chuckles lowly before speaking. 

"Ms. Lyndel, I have a feeling today... is going to be an excellent day."

"And what makes you so sure old man?"

"Just a feelin' Ms."

Cass continues staring at him for most of the ride back to her home. Pulling into her neighborhood, she reaches into her purse to find her phone. The urge to call Nat and just talk it out with her coming naturally. Clifford stops the car and glances back to find Cassandra's head down casted to her phone. He smirks getting out to open her door. He can see standing on the front step of her home the dark raven hair of his employer. She crosses her arm leaning against the pillar of the porch. Clifford makes his way opening her door while Cass presses one on her phone. 

Getting out of the car, she places her phone to her ear before looking up. Her body freezing as her phone falls from her grasp. It can't be?! The girl standing on her front porch reaches in her back pocket pulling out a sleek phone. Nat plays along looking to her phone to see 'Cass' lighting up her phone. 

"Hey Cass, you're calling me"

That was enough for the blonde girl to find her feet and run to her best friend. Nat giggled and opened her arms as the girl flung herself into her. Clifford standing back with a wide smile and glossy eyes. He knew how much these girls cared for each other but timing was not their friend. To see the love after years of working for Ms. Lyndel... it was magical. He watched for a moment as Nat held her firmly while the blonde beauty crumbled before bowing his head and getting in the car to park it. 

Nat could feel the moisture on her shoulder as her friend's facade finally fell. Cass was gripping her as if she was her life saver and Nat held her refusing to let her fall. After a few minutes of bracing her Cass slowly pulled back with red eyes and fresh tears on her cheeks. Nat gave her a reassuring smile before tugging her back into the safety of her embrace where Cass relaxed into her shoulder taking deep inhales of her friend's comforting scent. 

Cass couldn't believe her luck. She wanted so desperately to see Nat but didn't want to pull her away from her own life. Finding her here... at her home. Cass pulled back wiping her tears away seeing her friend for the first time in years. 

"I-I can't believe yo-your here."

She sobbed and laughed through her words. Nat could tell she wasn't expecting this but it was exactly what she needed. Her to be here, in person and not on the phone. 

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