Chapter 53: Finally

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Jackson sighed hearing a soft lullaby voice coming from the other room. Lifting his head from his pillow, he notices the other side of the bed was vacant but slightly warm. He dropped his body back down on the pillow before glancing over to the clock reading 5:04 in the morning. He groaned getting out of the bed rubbing his eyes. His feet began taking him to the melodic voice.

They had been home for about two weeks now. It has been an adjustment for them both. Luckily both their jobs allowed them to work from home. Jackson had been told recently that he would have to come back to California for a meeting. Cassie was going to be coming as well to talk with Tate. It would be their first time leaving the ranch for almost 9 months. Cassie was doing interviews and radio broadcasts from the comfort of her studio via webcam. Jackson was working with all his clients either by email or phone. None had any issues and his main client was located here with him.

He slows down at the entrance to the room and the sight making his blood run south. Natalia was in one of her silk robes with their beautiful child leaning against her chest wrapped in a towel presumably just finishing up her morning bath. Natalia's hair had grown in length ending at her lower back in soft waves. God, she was a sight to behold and all his. Her back was to him so he walked over silently before sliding his arm around her causing her to jump as her head snaps to him. She sighs releasing a breath as she continues singing to baby Rose.

Jackson placed his chin on her shoulder kissing the top of their baby girl's head. His own body swaying with hers as she continues singing lowly. Jackson recognizes the song and grins coming to the conclusion his wife was a huge Reba McEntire fan. She could recite almost every song of hers which is why Rose's lullabies are just a list of her songs.

His hands began roaming over his delicious wife's sides. The doctor recommended waiting a few weeks before being physically intimate again. Nat pouted making Jackson chuckle. She had tried a few times to seduce him but he stayed strong... until now. She leaned over the crib laying the baby down gently making her butt push into his front side. His hands instantly tightening on her sides as he suppressed the groan from escaping his lips. She straightened herself up before leaning back into his bare chest. He took a deep inhale releasing it slowly instead coiled his arms completely around her encasing her to him. They stood like that for a minute as both relished in the intimate moment.

She turned slightly kissing his jaw before stepping out of his arms leaving him staring at her. She hummed the same tune walking over to the dresser getting out a onesie and a diaper before coming back over. Jackson watched her move with ease as she dressed her without waking her. Her robe practically undone allowing him to feast off her incredible body. Once she was done, she tossed the blanket into the hamper and laid a blanket over Rose' legs.

Natalia turned to him biting her lip as she drank in his torso. Jackson smirked and watched enjoying how he effected her. Her eyes leaving a scorch in it's wake. Her eyes falling south where he felt himself already reacting. Her eyes snapped up to meet his and the darkness of her gaze made him practically growl. He walked over to her cupping her face and giving her a long hard kiss. Hearing her whimper made him pull back glancing down to make sure their baby was still asleep. Talia's eyes also looking down feeling guilty for doing that in front of her.

Jackson quickly picks her up making Natalia yelp before covering her mouth with her hand. Jackson chuckled lowly as he carried her out of the room and back to their awaiting bed. He laid her down before going back to the door leaving only a sliver open. He turned around and found Natalia had removed the robe and was standing beside the bed now. His jaw tightened as he stalked to her. His hands going to her sides while hers rest on his biceps.

"Love, I want to be gentle with you but you are making it very hard..."

"Then don't," her voice coming out breathless.

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