Chapter 1: Finding Ground

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"Cassie, OVER HERE!"

"Mrs. Lyndel, when is your next tour?"

"Cassie, are the rumors true about you relationship with your manager?"

Cass continues walking with a gentle smile on her lips. Her black glasses protecting her from the blinding lights. The security pressing the paparazzi back allowing her to make her way into the recording label. Her blonde hair now perfectly straight down her back. She makes it inside keeping her sunglasses on while hearing her heels click on the polished marble floor. Her two security guards walking on each side of her. She makes it to the elevator and gets on leaving her two guards in the lobby. She is meeting her team on the top floor and doesn't need her security. 

Leaning against the steel wall of the elevator. She closes her eyes and sighs allowing her mask to crumble momentarily. It has been four years since she signed her contract with Marx Records. It has been a world wind experience. Her pop songs rising to the top of the charts and she quickly became the headlines for every magazine. Four years of tours, sold out concerts, interviews and articles. She has written two albums and now is heading to her third platinum record. 

Her parents never tried involving themselves in her life. They said she had become a negative in the public eye for their business. The last time she saw them was three years ago. She never reached out nor did they attempt to make contact. She focuses her sole energy on her music. Her fans are her greatest support system. 

The elevator dings making her come back to the present. She puts on the polite smile again as she straightens her spine. She walks out strong with her head held high. The team already sitting in the conference room. She walks in as they stand up smiling at her. Her producer sitting at the head of the table. 

"Cassie, it's so good to see you love!"

She nods and takes a seat in her chair looking around the room. Her covers for her albums are framed and on display along with a few other artist. Her eyes coming back to Tate, the head of the label. 

"Cassie, I would like for you to meet a new team member here at Marx Records."

Cass follows his hand to the man he is talking about. Sitting in the chair is a man with dark hair and a set of icy eyes. He has a well defined jaw line and strong chin. Cass can say he is attractive to look at. The man in question stands up showing his height easily over six feet tall. His hand comes out but his face still remains void of emotion. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lyndel. My name is Jackson Fillmore."

Cass shakes his hand giving a tight lip smile and sitting back down. Her eyes moving from the new man back to Tate. 

"I called him hear today because Jackson will be taking over your manager position."

Cass eyebrows furrow in confusion. Her manager is Landon, why are they trying to place a new one on her?

"I'm confused, what about Landon?"

Her eyes remain on Tate who glances at each of the other members in the room before turning back to her. He leans forward in his chair with his elbows on the armrest. 

"Mr. Taylor will be working with a few other artist and with Jackson being new, we thought you would be a good match with him!"

She can tell that's not the reason. Rather than opening her mouth, she gives another tight smile and nod looking to her lap. Her and Landon were in a private relationship but recently she felt he was pulling away from her. I guess this is his way of ending things with her. She brings her eyes back up to the new man in front of her. 

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