Chapter 23: Bliss Before Stress

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Closing her eyes, she took a deep inhale as the wind whipped her hair. Her fingers still holding the dark hairs of her stallion. The horse's muscles contorting as he races through the hills of the land. The cold brisk air waking her senses allowing her to see the morning dew still lying upon the tall grasses. She leans forward and the horse races forward.

"That's it boy"

Her words gentle but Shadow understood. He snorts and continues lurching forward. They make it to the top of the hill where Nat clicks her tongue. Shadow comes to an abrupt stop as she pats his neck and gets off the black beauty. Her eyes looking over the running hills. Watching the orange and pink hues litter the skies. Her boots kicking the dirt. A soft smile gracing her lips knowing she caused the spot. Almost everyday coming up here before all else wakes and the day begins running full steam. This... this is her release.

A nudge to her head makes her turn to find Shadow's nose sniffing her. She smiles wrapping her arm under his long face rubbing the opposite side of his neck. The horse stands with her tall as they watch the first of morning light peak over the valley. Silence envelops them as Nat recalls the last few days.

They had an incredible night at the Dirty Dozen. All her staff had a great time, she got to rejoice the season with them and their loved ones. So many thankful for the bonus she gave everyone. All respected her wishes to not hound Cass. No photos were taken and everyone just told her how it was nice to meet her.

Julio and Naomi were as always incredible. Her brother surprisingly was acted the part of a perfect gentlemen. Cass pouted about that but Nat knew it wasn't just for her benefit. He's been hurt before. The biggest surprises of the night was definitely when Jackson publicly 'claimed' her.

Nat's fingers come back up replaying that searing all consuming kiss. Her toes curled and her knees went weak. Jackson had the power to make her bend to his will. She had never felt such the intensity in one kiss that she had from him. It was unnerving how much effect he had over her. The crowd cheered wildly as they pulled apart but Nat still couldn't tear her eyes away from him. His eyes were locked on her and she could see everything. His eyes holding utter passion for her. Her skin felt as if it was aflame.

He remained at her side all night. He even danced some. She remembered giggling as he kept staring at some of the men around her with narrowed eyes. She only gripped his chin bringing him for another kiss and whispering words of comfort to him. His eyes would return to her with a smile before beginning to scan again. She gave up after some time.

The evening came to a close with Keith interrupting their good night kiss. He sure had a way of dampening her spirits. The man even stood by her door until they separated like she was a teenager. Nat considered throat punching him.

So for the last few days, Jax would find moments to surprise her and pull her to the side just to be alone with her... without Keith eyeing them. The soft kisses making her heart race in her chest. The feeling only getting stronger with each touch, each kiss. She knew she was falling for him. He made it clear how he felt. He has told her multiple times how much he liked her. Neither saying the word that they truly felt. Both worried about it being to fast.

"Come on Shadow"

She climbs back on his bare back. Both looking to the rising yellow globe once more before she turns her torso making Shadow turn before they begin galloping away. Her eyes looking to the homestead. She allows her mind to continue wandering.

Cass has been getting more and more work done. According to her, she is better off here than she ever was in California. Today was the day that Nat planned to talk to her of her plans. She spoke with Keith about it last night.

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