Chapter 6: Finding her Muse

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Pulling up to a familiar spot. Jax parks his Lexus and watches as the blue truck, or Luke as she called it, pulled up beside him. He chuckles and shake his head while turning off the engine. He steps out as she climbs out of the truck. Both walking in front of their vehicles and looking at the sight. He glances over to see Talia with a grin while scanning the scenery. 

He doesn't usually bring people up here. This is his place to escape. He walks over sitting on the old bench that creaks sitting down onto it. He leans back against it while watching Talia. The beauty continues looking over everything with her glasses shading her eyes. Her hands tucked in her back pockets of her jeans. His eyes slowly following every contour of her body. She really was a sight to see. She turns instantly making him snap back out to the view. She slowly walks over to sit down beside him. He glances over as she leans her head back allowing the warmth soak into her sun kissed skin. His eyes looking over the delicate skin of her neck and her wild hair blowing gently with the breeze. 

"It's consider rude to stare Jax."

He grins seeing a smirk reach her lips. She doesn't move her face while speaking to him. 

"Some consider it a great compliment Talia."

She laughs finally looking to him and sliding her glasses up on her head. Her chocolates eyes gleaming in the morning light. A genuine smile gracing her lips. 

"Care to tell me who that guy was?"

Jax feels his body stiffen thinking of the look Marcus was sporting towards Talia. He doesn't even realize how rigid he became until a gentle touch to his shoulder brings him back. He blinks looking at her curious eyes. 

"His name was Marcus. He is... well was a friend."

He watches as her face screws up for a moment making him snort. It's clear that she didn't believe his explanation. 

"You need to consider finding better friends."

He nods his head in understanding. It then dawns on him that she had not removed her hand. His eyes glancing to it on his shoulder before looking back to her. Her eyes shoot open and she quickly retracts her hand while clearing her throat. He smiles at her reaction. 

"How bout you Talia? Got some good friends?"

"I have my brother... He's a bit much but I love him. Then I have a friend who claimed me in our college years."

"Claimed you? You make it sound like you were a lost puppy." Talia laughs at that making him smile brightly and chuckle as well. 

"In some ways I was... I didn't care about making many friends. I was a loner for the most part and the people I met were full of shit." 

Jax looks over to her with a wide grin. 

"And your friend?"

"She was alone." Her voice sounding farther away. It was clear that she was recalling a memory. Her eyes were looking out but weren't focused. "She was surrounded by people and yet looked totally alone... We were assigned partners on a project."

"And let me guess, you guys hit it off?"

"HA.. no." She smiles dropping her gaze to her lap. "She drove me nuts! I mean I was ready to rip out my hair." She laughs before shaking her head. "I finally gave it to her when she was complaining about her so called 'friends'. I told her that a true friend would be there no matter what, not only when it was convenient."

"Is this when she claimed you?" Talia nods her head with a gentle smile. 

"She said if a true friend is what she needed, than no one better than me to learn from. She never left me after that."

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