Chapter 43: Two More Weeks

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"Alright Chicago, whose ready for a new beat?" 


"Now I hope you don't mind but I'm going to play a new song for you. This one is dedicated to my favorite man..." She pauses listening to the crowd cheer loudly. "Love you Keith."

Cassie giggles into her mic looking around the large stadium at the roaring crowd. She glances to her side and nods as the new tune begins playing. Her eyes closing momentarily as she begins singing with her whole heart and soul. Her own high being fed from the incredible enthusiasm of the fans. A few of her dancers coming up beside her. 

It ain't my fault you keep turnin' me on
It ain't my fault you got, got me so gone
It ain't my fault I'm not leavin' alone
It ain't my fault you keep turnin' me on

She begins shaking her hips as the hip hop song takes her away. The crowd whistling and cheering to the new hit. She continues dancing and moving about in her thigh-high high heels. Security had a kept a tight lock near the front not allowing anyone to close to the stage. Her eyes finding the camera amongst the crowd giving it a meaning full look for a moment. 

 It ain't my fault you came here lookin' like that
You just made me trip, fall, and land on your lap
Certain bad boy smooth
Body hotter than the sun
I don't mean to be rude, but I'd look so damn good on ya

She continues belting the song out and dancing along. Coming to the end of the song she is panting looking around as the crowd increases in volumes with so much support. She smiles and laughs breathlessly. She waves to them making her way to the back of the stage for a quick change. 

Jackson was standing back their with a water bottle in hand for her before people swarmed her to help with the quick change. Less than two minutes later and she was making her way to the hatch below the stage before it began rising for her. This being her last segment of the concert. Jackson turning to the camera monitor showing the wide smiling Cassie as she waves to the crowd. The concert continuing without a hitch before coming to it's end. 

"Thank you Chicago! You've been amazing!"

The crowd gives her one more roaring applause as she waves coming off the stage. Her close friend walking up to her clapping along with the stage crew. She smiles and takes the water again before going towards the dressing room. Jackson right behind her along with one of the stage hands to help her with her costume. Jackson closes the door and takes a seat with his phone in hand as she goes behind the divider with the woman who helps her. Cassie giving her a small 'thank you' before the woman leaves the room. 

"How many more Jackson?"

"3 more to go Cassie"

She nods getting into the leggings and the sweatshirt before stepping out. She walks over to the mirror looking for the wipes before going to work removing the beautiful work the make up artist just hours ago. 

"Have they called?"

"She texted telling you to call when you were ready."

Cass nods smiling gently at the mirror. They have been doing the tour for some time now and she was just ready to be back home. They had two weeks left and she would officially be on her way to Texas. Her belongings have already been relocated due to the quick sell of her home in California. Tate even helped in making sure everything got to her and Keith's home. 

Jackson had done the same with his belongings however his aunt had did the packing and made the trip to meet Natalia again in Texas. Apparently the woman decided to stay for a few days. Jackson was happy the women got along so well and even more so that his aunt said she would be visiting often. She was his only remaining family and her support meant more than he would care to admit. 

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