Chapter 8: Radio Trouble

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"Welcome Ms. Lyndel to Buzz 103.6!"

Cass smiled not feeling as stressed as she usually did walking into these interviews. Her reason is sitting next to her. Looking to her left, she sees Nat wink at her as she looks to her for strength. Nat originally was going to wait outside and Cass literally dragged her into the booth where the host was while having her fit for her own headset and mic. Nat's eyes kept glancing around at all the booth had. Cass remembers the feeling of astonishment the first time being in one of these interviews. She returns to her polite smile facing the broadcaster. 

"Thank you everyone for having me."

The host smiles at her before glancing over at the addition to the room before turning back to Cass. 

"Well I can honestly say I love your music Cassie! You are still at the top of the charts in pop music. Your second album I understand has went double platinum, is that correct?"

At this Nat grins and begins clapping making the announcer do so as well. Cass giggles softly before nodding her head. 

"Yea, it was announced to me last week I believe. I am very lucky to have the fans that I have and the team to back me up."

"Speaking of team, I see we have an additional guest with us here today."

The host turns the attention to Nat who goes wide eyed making Cass grin at her before speaking for her. 

"Yes, I have my best friend and better half here with me today."

Nat turns to Cass smiling gently before turning back to the host. The host watches the interaction between the two before clearing her throat gaining their attention back. 

"Well, it's good to have a great support team. You are currently with Marx Records?"

"Yes, have been with them since the beginning. They have an amazing team put in place and helped me every step of the away."

Nat watches as the host looks down at a paper in front of her wondering what it is for a moment. Cass already knows the host has a list of topics/questions that she has to ask through the interview. 

"I see here that your manager is Landon Bounds..." 

She pauses looking over the edge of the paper to glance at Cass. Cass feels herself stiffen but remains composed with the smile still intact knowing where this is heading. Nat however tenses and it is visible to anyone in the room that she is about to say something. 

"Actually, I am currently working with Jackson Fillmore. He is a talented manager and I am lucky to have him."

"Oh?" The host leans back with a raised brow. "I was under the impression that you and Mr. Bounds were in a relationship?"

Nat grits her teeth while Cass giggles slightly. Nat can tell clear as day that the laugh is forced and fake as fuck. She knows that this is a topic that Cass shouldn't have to answer to. As she is about to speak up, she feels a hand on top of her own. Her eyes snap to Cass who doesn't glance to her but understands the underline message. 

"You can't believe everything the tabloids print. He is an agent at Marx Records that I did work previously with however now I am currently working with Mr. Fillmore. He is an excellent fit for my music at this time."

"So Landon and you were never in a relationship?"

"Like I said, he was my manager."

Cass smiles pleasantly but Nat's expression has morphed into a look of utter disgust and rage. The host glances to the 'best friend' and instantly snaps her eyes down slightly frightful of the look she is producing. 

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