Chapter 56: Legends

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We were golden, we were fire, we were magic
Yeah and they all knew our names all over town
We had it made in the middle of the madness
We were neon in a gray cloud

Yeah, we wrote our own story
Full of blood sweat and heartbeats
We didn't do it for the fame or the glory
But we went down in history

Cass paused her bouncing as she looked down at the baby within her arms. Little Rose had fallen asleep yet again to her voice. She continued singing her newest single as she looked outside to find her best friend and new manager dancing in the backyard to the silence of the evening. Both illuminating the biggest smiles as the sun began setting giving a hue of pink and orange over the horizon. Cassie loved watching them. They were great muses and were inspirations for her newest song. 

It is true that she had finished her deal with Marx Records while Jackson terminated his contract and started his own agency here in Texas with one well known artist already under his belt. A few of the authors he worked with also followed him to his new Agency named Rose Records. He had hit the ground running in their hometown and has been gaining steam. Natalia was happy he finally pursued something he truly wanted. 

 Yeah we were legends
Loving you baby it was Heaven

"I love your voice princess"

Cass turns to the door finding her own prince standing there. She gives one more check to Rose before turning on the baby monitor and ushering Keith out softly closing the door. Keith cupped her cheeks affectionately giving her a gentle kiss that caused her toes to curl. She couldn't help the smile from spreading across her cheeks. This man was the perfect addiction to her. 

They arrived back in Texas to find Natalia throwing everything in sight at Keith for hiding her keys. He ran out the door fearful of his sister with glass plates. Cass laughed whole heartedly while Jackson hugged her to his side welcoming her home. The word making her heart soar. This was her home now... 

Keith took her hand leading her down the stairs before picking up the baby monitor and taking her out of the house where Nat and Jackson were still dancing. It was then she heard the faint sounds of a radio. She giggled hearing her own voice through the stereo. Nat turned with a smug grin as she sang the lyrics to her song. 

Tragic and epic and so amazing
I'll always wear the crown that you gave me
We will always stay lost in forever
And they'll remember
We were legends

Nat took her hands into her own and began dancing her as they sang along. The boys still dancing solo like fools until they pulled them apart taking their rightful partners into their embraces. At one point they switched and Cass couldn't help but grin as Keith turned his baby sister around as he hummed to the familiar words. It was a sight to see as Jackson himself sang some of the lyrics. Cass couldn't help but laugh before joining back into singing. 

We were legends
Loving you baby it was Heaven
What everyone wondered we'd never question
Close our eyes and took on the world together
Do you remember baby?
We were crazy

Feeling herself being pulled back into her cowboy's embrace she smiled affectionately up to him wrapping her arms around his neck. He turned her around allowing her to drop her head back as the wind swept through her blonde locks. This truly felt like heaven. She had the life she had always wanted. She was free...

The song finished leaving the group in chuckles and smiles. Jackson walked over turning down the stereo before leading Nat over to the fire pit. He sat down placing her on his lap. Keith pressed her lower back leading her to sit down as well as they all looked into the fire dancing as the night sky began to fill with shining stars. 

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