Chapter 30: Mountains and Desires

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"Have fun Nat!"

She turns around giving a wink making Cass grin before turning back and taking a deep breath. Her ankle was still killing her but she was at least going to walk on her own. Wearing something simple, she decided to put on her guns and roses t shirt and some jean shorts. She had to go with some strap on sandals since all other shoes irritated her bite wounds. She took easy steps until she made it to the stairs. 

She looked at them and groaned

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She looked at them and groaned. A yelp escaping her as she was swiftly lifted into someone's arms. Turning her head she is met with the beautiful eyes she has come to adore. She smiled which made him smile as well. Her arms wrapping around his neck as he carried her down the stairs. She began to wiggle but he didn't care and walked her towards the door. 

"Jax!" She says through laughter. He takes her outside. "We're taking the truck."

He took her to the truck and opened the passenger door. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You're not driving Jax"

He chuckled but relented none the less and carried her to the driver's side before gently placing her down. She grinned as he closed the door chuckling gently again before jogging over to his side and climbing in. She started up her truck glancing in the trunk smiling before pulling them out of the spot and driving from the ranch. The sun just beginning to lower. 

She glanced over to find Jax looking around with a gentle smile on his lips. He looks completely different from the guy she met not so long ago. He has not been his stoic self since he left California. She liked this version and he looked happier. She reached over with her hand up. Jax looked to it with a raised brow, Nat just rolled her eyes before taking his hand into her own. Her eyes focusing back on the road as she could feel his eyes drilling into her head. His fingers then laced through hers making her bite her lip smiling. 

The drive continued until she found the familiar path. She turned going onto the narrow road. Jax leaned forward looking around for any signs but didn't ask. She grinned as the truck climbed the side of the mountain. She loved this area. The view was spectacular and it reminder her of the place he took her in California. Coming to the stopping point, she turned the truck around so the bed was facing the view. 

She opened her door and slowly climbed down as she heard his door open as well. She walked a few steps holding the truck for support as his eyes were glued outwards. She could see the amazement and wander in his eyes. 


"Yea, this is my spot" She said making his attention snap to her before his eyes widen. 

"Shit Natalia, I'm sorry" She looked to him with furrowed brows but he quickly walked to her snatching her back up off the ground. She giggled gently at his care for her. 

"I'm not broken Jax"

"I know but-"

"But... I can walk"

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