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Natalia turns around as her bouncy blonde friend comes barreling at her. She laughs collecting her as the blonde clings to her like a monkey. Glancing around she watches the sea of blue as they move to their loved ones. The graduation gowns glowing in the summer sun. The weather was perfect for their college graduation today. She closes her eyes allowing the sun to warm her skin and the breeze to brush her dark locks across her face. She sends a silent prayer up to the heavens to her mother. 


Opening her eyes, she looks to her friend's pouting face clearly not hearing what she said. Her long blonde locks curled and bouncy around as her green eyes wait for her to respond. Nat just smiles at her gently. 

"I'm sorry Cass, what was it you were saying?"

The blondes frown immediate turns to a wide smile as her eyes light up. This is one of the many reasons Natalia loved her. Her mood swings were frequent and often left one with whiplash. They are polar opposites in many ways. Cassandra or Cass as Nat calls her has platinum blonde hair and fair skin. She was born and raised in Michigan before moving to NY for college. Natalia or Nat has dark hair with a deep tan from all her time down south in Texas. She had a bit of Latin in her blood line which Cass constantly said she was envious of. 

"I SAID... It's finally OVER!" 

Nat chuckled while shaking her head. How they ever became friend's was beyond her. They met Junior year in Columbia. Nat was studying Business while Cass was studying the Arts... more specifically music. Taking a class together where they were partners, Nat quickly discovered how popular Cass was. According to Cass, she loved Nat because she was real... Meaning no bullshit and no fakeness. Cass said she had enough people in her life who were two faced that it was nice to meet a genuine person. Nat felt sorry for her lack of good friendships but wasn't planning on becoming Cass' other half... Cass had other plans. Eventually Cass refuse to do anything without Nat by her side. 

Cass had recently been discovered by a talent agency and she just signed a contract to begin with them. Her voice was amazing, and Nat was beyond happy that someone noticed. Nat's dream was to get a college degree. Columbia gave her a full scholarship due to her impeccable grades and tests. She was a genius in her own birth right. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet but she knew she had at least a degree to do something financially stable. Running a ranch was always ups and downs. She wants her future to be more leveled.

"So my dear friend, WHEN do I get to meet this hottie brother of yours?!"

Nat only rolled her eyes. Cass was a HUGE flirt which was the opposite of Nat. Nat remained to herself and typically turned away from guys. Her life didn't revolve around the opposite sex and Cass for a short while thought she might have been gay. That was dissolved however when Cass walked in on a heated moment between Nat and a hockey player she dated for a short time. Cass had seen pictures of Nat's brother Keith and always joked about how 'hot' he was. Nat cringed everytime the topic came up. 

"My brother actually called before the ceremony to let me know that he couldn't make it."

Cass' expression dropped hearing her talk about her family. Cass knew that the distant was hard on her relationship with her family. Her mother died when she was young due to cancer. It was only her slightly older brother and dad remaining. Cass on the other hand had both parents whom couldn't care less about her. They were more worried about their empire than their daughter. Most of the people who she became close with new her family name and that is why they wanted to be close to her. Not like Nat, Nat didn't know her the first time they met which was such a nice change. 

"Cass, did your parents make it?"

Cass sighs looking over her shoulder to the families who are all hugging their loved ones. Her chest tightening slightly before turning to her gorgeous friend. Cass couldn't get over Nat's features. She was hands down one of the prettiest girls she has ever met. Nat doesn't wear any make up and could easily rival some of the plastics on campus. More important than her looks was her personality. She was the most 'real' person Cass had ever met. What you see is what you get and she is not afraid to call you out on your bullshit. She had spent the last two years learning a lot about herself because of Nat. 

"Nah... Couldn't make it do to some meeting or something." She shrugs it off while Nat can see she was upset about it. She quickly covers it though with a smile. "That just means I get you to celebrate with!"

Nat laughs while Cass squeals lunging back into her. They made it... After 4 years and countless no sleep nights, it's done. Cass got what she really wanted which was a music career. Nat was still deciding what to do but was planning on traveling south to visit home first. 

The girls leave the stadium arm in arm tossing away the graduation caps before climbing in Nat's pick up truck. Cass laughed the first time she saw this truck. It looked like a man's truck. The shock was on her when Nat climbed into. Shit, some of the guys on campus were interested in the truck. Nat named the truck Luke. Cass couldn't get over her naming a vehicle but it has never failed her. 

Nat rips of the graduation gown showing her blue jeans and tank top. Cass burst out laugh seeing her apparel while Nat raises an eyebrow. Cass takes off her blue dress robe revealing a nice dress. 

"You are such a tomboy Nat!"

"I guarantee my jeans are more comfortable than that dress."

Cass dramatically rolls her eyes. Nat has never been a girly girl. She dressed how she wanted and didn't give two shits what people thought. She could work on vehicles, shoot a gun, and practically fix anything. 

"Let's go get food, I'm starving!"

Cass pouts holding her stomach making Nat roll her own eyes as she pulled out of the parking lot. Heading to one of their favorite pizza parlors in New York. It was a small joint in the wall of building. Not many new about the place which made it perfect to get away to. 

Heading to their favorite booth they plop down looking around at the walls covered in photos. After eating a whole pizza, they lean back in the booth reflecting on the day. Each girl lost in their own worlds. Cass snaps out of first leaning forward with her elbows on the table. 

"Nat, why don't you come with me out to Cali?"

Nat sighs knowing how bad Cass has wanted this. California is the headquarters of Cass' recording label, Marx Records. With Nat not having a plan, Cass told her to come with her and has been asking for months.

"Cass, I need to go see my family first." She can see her friend's disappointment. She reaches across taking her hands. "You are going to do great Cass..."

"What if they don't like my songs or-"

"They wouldn't have signed you if they didn't like your songs Cass." 

Cass drops her head trying to calm her rolling emotions before looking back up to her one and only true friend with glazed eyes. 

"What if I fail?"

Nat grips her hands holding her gaze for a moment making sure to keep her attention. 

"Cassandra Lyndel is no failure. She is beautiful, annoying and a pain in my ass." Cass chuckles while keeping her gazed locked on Nat. "You are going to take this world by storm and I will be so happy to watch it happen."

Cass takes a deep inhale before releasing it slowly. Nat has been her rock for the past two years and she isn't sure if she would have made it without her. She knew with graduation that they would be separated but truly hoped they would remain friends. 

"What am I going to do without you Nat?"

"Cass, I will always be just a phone call away. No matter where I am at... I promise."

Cass nods knowing when Nat makes a promise, she doesn't break it. Nat stands up coming to her side taking her in for a hug as the girls enjoy their final hours before leaving in opposite directions. Not knowing where life will take them. 

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