Chapter 33: Turn on the Radio

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3 months later


Cass shoots up from the bed gently lifting Keith's arm from her waist before getting out of the bed. The sun isn't even up yet. She grabs one of Keith's sweaters throwing it over flimsy tank top. She begins walking while yawning to where she hears her sister hollering. Her body waking up better now becoming accustomed to this. 

It has been three months since her live interview about the rumors surrounding her and Jackson. Tate has decided to let her work solely on her album leaving her an isolation practically receiving radio silence... And she loved it. She has felt happier than she has in years. It had a big deal to Nat and Keith but she also found that without everything in California as a distraction she could focus on her music. She has even made a few country songs much to Nat's pleasure. 

"CASS!- Oh didn't see you there." 

Cass rubs her eyes before pulling her hair up into a messing bun. She catches sight of her sister and finds her already in her normal get up. A pair of fitted jeans with her boots, then a classic black tank top with a flannel thrown over it. Cass pushes her hands into the pocket into Keith's hoodie giving her a tilt to the head.

"Give me 5 minutes Nat"

"I'll be outside."

Without waiting for a reply, Nat turns exiting the house. Cass yawns walking back upstairs to her room. She finds Keith with his arm moving around on her side of the bed. She smiles gently shaking her head as she heads to the closet. Their relationship has slowly progressed into something deeper. They still haven't done to many physical activities but she felt they had a deeper connection and wasn't in any rush to mess it up. 


Hearing his groggy voice, she comes out of the closet as she throws on her own flannel. She props her body against the door frame as Keith slowly sits up trying to find her. She watches for a moment before pushing off and walking to sit on the side of the bed. She gives him a tender smile reaching to brush her fingers through his hair. 

"Morning sexy"

Keith smirks in return. She gave him that nickname months ago and it just stuck. He was a sight to see so it was not stretching the truth by any means. He leans forward as she leans down to kiss him gently.


Keith tries to wrap his arm around Cass but she stops him pulling back. He groans as she begins to stand up. 

"Sorry, Nat's waiting and we both know she will barge in here if I don't go."

Keith just huffs flopping back into the bed. She giggles gently as she reaches for her boots. About a month ago, Nat has decided it was time to teach Cass how to ride. The morning after, Cass was asleep with Keith in his room. Nat woke her up but she fell back asleep. That was before Nat came in yanking her blanket off of her and yelling at her. Keith has since added a lock to his door however Cass still refuses to lock the door to her room. 

She leans over kissing his cheek before walking backdown stairs. The sky is beginning to turn hues of pink. A smile pulls at her face as she walks outside to the stables. Walking in, she is met with Nat talking with Shadow. She goes over to a stall nearby looking in at the beautiful brown mare. She opens the gate walking in earning a neigh from the beauty. 

"Morning Oakley, you ready girl"

She walks over to the wall gathering her saddle before putting it on her. She has become much better at this after the first few lessons. After making sure it was good, she goes to Oakley's side and grips as she throws a leg over her sitting on her securely. 

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