Chapter 48: Breaking the news

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Jackson flopped over feeling the sheets below his palm. Scrunched brows, he moves his arm up and down still coming up empty. His eyes squint as he lifts his head from the pillow looking to his side to find it bare. He drops his head to the pillow with a groan. Of course Nat wouldn't sleep in, she's usually up before the sun is. He rolls to the side before sitting up rubbing his hands down his face. He reaches for his discarded boxers throwing them on before standing up stretching. 

His eyes falling on his bag that was left there last night. A soft smile gracing his lips thinking about last night. She's pregnant. The woman he loved was carrying his child. He will admit he was surprised but felt nothing other than utter joy. She was happy too which made it all the more perfect. The night was spent making love multiple times. The sensual touches not rushed and the feelings so much deeper. He couldn't explain what all has changed but last night only reinforced what he already knew... Natalia was his future. 

He could hear the sound of the kitchen radio singing another country song. He chuckled standing up heading to their bathroom before deciding to take a quick shower to freshen up. It didn't take him long to find some blue jeans and a plain t-shirt throwing them on to head downstairs. He can't help but grin finding Natalia's hips swaying as she stands at the stove. The coffee brew wafting the room along with whatever she was cooking. 

He could picture this everyday and that thought alone made his heart race. He wanted this! He wanted to have her everyday along with a few little ones running around their home. He could picture it all. Him managing his clients from the ranch while she runs the Iron Clad. He had already grown to love the serenity of the south. It was so much more calm than the hectic and chaos of the city. 

"Good Morning Jax"

His eyes snapping back to the present as he walks over wrapping his arms around her from behind. She leans back against him still stirring the eggs on the skillet. His hand subconsciously rubbing her stomach. Natalia's hand coming to lay on top of his own as they pause both thinking about the same thing. His chin resting on her shoulder as he looks down. 

Knock Knock


He steps back turning to find Cass coming in hand in hand with Keith. It isn't until he locks eyes with the elder sibling does he realize something he forgot. Shit! Keith's eyes are set into slits with his face hard and jaw locked. He looked lethal as he glared down the man that knocked up his sister. He clears his throat turning to the coffee machine trying to not sweat. 

"Mornin Cass"

"Good Morning Nat!" Cass chirps bouncing over to Nat hugging her. The brunette hugging her back as she giggled at her best friend's perky attitude. Cass pulls back kissing her cheek before going over to Jackson. His back still turned from the sneer of the older brother. Cass bumps his hip making him look to her. "You okay Jackson, you look like you saw a ghost?"

He nods his head forcing a small smile. His eyes catching Natalia who gives him a reassuring smile that helps calm him slightly. He makes a cup for Cassie followed by a cup for Keith. He turns to the man straightening himself out as best as he can. The man continues staring at him even as he offers the coffee cup to him. Keith doesn't move for a moment but relents as his sister glares at him over Jackson's shoulder. 

"Jackson, a word?"

He gulped turning to glance at Natalia. She gave him a smile nodding to him while Cassie looked on with confusion.  He turned back around as Keith gestured out of the room. He began walking off towards the living room with heavy steps behind him. He went into the room turning to find Keith already behind him with his fist raised. He dropped to the ground by the force of the hit to his jaw. He groaned out in pain before standing up with a pain searing through him while he held his jaw. 

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