Chapter 39: Done

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"What the-" Jackson cuts himself turning to Cassie in the car. "Stay in the car."

She just nods still looking to the figure standing at her door. His eyes looking directly at her as Jackson climbs out of the car in the process slamming his door shut. His body tense as he walks swiftly towards the entrance to the house and the intruder. 

"What are you doing here Landon? Leave."

Landon doesn't take his eyes away from Cassie sitting in the passenger seat. "You must really take excellent care of you clients if you've Cassie into a lap dog. Look how she listens to you so obediently."

Jackson shoves him hard, "Leave now."

"What? You worried she would come back to a real man?!" Landon says finally turn his attention to Jackson. 

His gaze barely catches sight of him before a fist collides hard with his eye making him stagger back. He groans clutching his eye as he regains his balance. "I will not tell you again."

A low humorless chuckle escapes Landon as he turns walking away but much to Cassie's dismay walks directly to the car. Jackson is quick to move forward but not before Landon is attempting to pull the car door open. He bangs his hand on the window, "Open the door Cassie!"

Cassie squeezes her eyes shut for a moment wishing this was all a nightmare. During her moment of solace, Jackson runs tackling Landon before landing a few punches to him. Landon however rotates him off before throwing a punch of his own. Jackson felt it on his jaw but didn't care. This asshole needed to be taught a lesson. 

Cassie looks at the window gasping finding the two in a brawl on the ground. Unlock the door, she throws it open stepping out to help her agent and friend. She gets to him pulling his arm back, "Jackson stop!"

"Yeah listen to your slut! Seems she will spread her legs for anyone who gives her attention. I knew you liked it even when you said to stop."

Just like Jackson begins punching him again. This time he doesn't stop until Landon is unconscious coated in his own blood. Jackson gets off of him with his chest heaving up and down. Cassie is standing off to the side with tears welled up in her eyes and her arms crossed over one another in a protective manner. Jackson takes a few deep breaths before walking to her engulfing her in his arms. Her tears begin cascading down as she sobs uncontrollably. He just holds her tight not allowing her to fall to the ground. 

How could this man that at one point she thought she loved treat her like this?! She remembers the few times she wasn't in the mood and he didn't listen. Those memories come flooding back. Lost her own thoughts she doesn't hear the sirens wailing as they pull up to the house. Red and blue flashing across the blanket of night. She lifts her gaze as the cops get out, Jackson cups her face in his hands making her lock her gaze with his. 

"Listen Cassie, call Tate."

"Put your hands up!"

They both do but Jackson's brows furrow finding Cassie's phone in her hand. She takes a step forward towards the cop who look to her. Jackson watches trying to figure out what she's doing. 

"Sir, I have a restraining order against that man-" she points to the unconscious Landon laying on the ground. "And I have proof that he provoked my friend."

She drops her hand pressing a button on her phone. 

Yeah listen to your slut! Seems she will spread her legs for anyone who gives her attention. I knew you liked it even when you said to stop.

The cops face morphs from pity to the man passed out with pure rage. "Collins, get that piece of shit out of here."

"Yes sir" 

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