Chapter 19: Keith

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Cassie screeches falling out of her bed hearing a damn rooster waking her up at the crack of dawn. Heart pounding, head whipping side to side as she comes to realize where she is at. Placing her hand to her chest, she tries to slow down the racing of her heart. She takes deep breaths before releasing them and untangling herself from the blanket. Standing up, she brushes her hair out of her face as she goes to the open window. The breeze easily lifting the curtains and gently moving them. 

Her eyes taking in the incredible that California sure as hell doesn't possess. The mountains stretching beyond what the eyes could see. The endless greens rolling together with the clouds dancing along the taller ones. Looking down, she smiles seeing horses moving about in the open pasture while some men are walking around seeming to start their duties for the day. She takes a deep inhale thinking she could get used to this. 

She pulls herself away from the view going to the closet to pull out some clothes for the day. She then realizes that she doesn't really have anything but dresses. She pulls out a simple dress and laughs gently seeing a pair of cowgirl boots lying at the base of the bed. Knowing her best friend left them their, she picks them up and begins walking downstairs bare foot. The windows all open allowing the morning breeze to breathe through the home. Cass' eyes dancing over all the decor. The hard wood floors, the high ceilings the photos of a young Nat and Keith with a man she figured was their dad. 

A shriek escaped Cass when she bumped into something that made her fall backwards. Before colliding with the hard wood surface, two arms enveloped her waist. Her eyes shooting up to find her self entranced in the dark blue depths of her savior. His eyes gazing deep into her own as he pulled her back straight up. His hands slowly retreating from her waist. He left them on her hips after they both were up straight. 

"You alright there princess?"

Cass couldn't get her mouth to function so she only nodded her head. The Adonis god's mouth quirked up into a smirk. Cass' eyes going to his lips and without thinking reached out to to trace his chiseled jaw line. God, he really was a fine specimen! A chuckle broke her out of her reverie. Her eyes going wide. 

"Please tell me I didn't say that out loud."

Keith didn't say anything as he leaned forward kissing her forehead before releasing her and continuing on his way. Cass' heart beating exponentially for a whole other reason. Her eyes glued to his backside until he disappeared out of sight. 


She turned around to find Jaxon looking at her with a bottle of water in hand. She walked to him and then took in his attire. He was dressed in some basketball shorts and a white v neck shirt that was drenched in what she presumed was sweat. He took a swig of the water and turned back around walking towards the kitchen they were in yesterday. She slid into her seat as he went putting his water back in the fridge. 

"What are you all doing up?"

"I went for a morning jog, Natalia is already working out in the barn with one of the colts. I saw her brother around here somewhere..."

Jax says absentmindedly while turning back to her. Cass sighs remembering the feeling of his arms securely around her. The smell that enveloped him, fresh wood chips and leather... mmm. 

"Cassie, are you alright?"

"hmm.. Yep!" She says pulling herself back.

 Jackson looked to her with a raised brow. He nodded then proceeded to leave her as he probably went to change. She went to the fridge and found a picture of orange juice. Pouring herself a glass, she went outside sitting on the back patio looking out at the view. A sigh escaping her lips as she lean backed in the chair.  Some time later, she heard footsteps coming her way. She opened her eyes to find the sex on legs walking to her. What she wasn't expecting was what was in his hands. 

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