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(WC: 1069
Category: Angst, bittersweet ending
Warnings: Implied death

"But, somehow, I get the feeling that, in the end, I'll be alright."

This is an extra piece that goes along with the short comic I posted on Instagram (will also be on my Artbook here too btw)! This expands on the letters you saw in the comic, there are a series of them.

Astronauts is a pretty easy song to write to, even though it does hit really hard for me. I might've put some of my own feelings onto this fic...oops lmao. It does have a bittersweet ending though. Enjoy!)

January 1

I miss you.

How are you doing? I hope everything's better for you now.

Hopefully, you're doing better than me.

I wish I could talk to you again, you know. About little stuff like building advice or debating over the best block palette. Just like what we used to do.

Do you remember that?

The days when it was just you and me? Building together all day, every day? All those rustic houses we made together? We could have made an entire city just made out of those stupid houses.

Yeah. I miss those days.

It was just...easier back then, y'know?

Now, everything's changed. And it seems like I'm caught up in it all, with no idea where I'm supposed to go next. I just...I dunno. Keep looking back towards you.

Even if you don't return my gaze.

January 9

We made so many fond memories together, didn't we?

Some of these, I haven't recalled for a long time. Years, even.

But some...I just can't forget as easily.

I wish I could erase some. The bad ones. The ones I've come to hate.

The ones where I wasn't much of a friend to you.

The ones where I left you alone, abandoned, broken.

You didn't deserve that.

You know, if I could, I would reset time and try to be a better person. You deserved a good friend. And there were times where I really wasn't to you.

And I was the only one you had.

...If I could, I would only leave the good ones behind. The ones I really treasure.

You wouldn't mind, would you?

I know I wouldn't.

January 19

I know you won't answer these, but...writing them just makes me feel closer to you again.

I've made a lot of mistakes when it comes to you. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry a million times over. There are so many things I wish I could have changed, but...

I can't change the past.

Now it's too late to change anything that matters.

January 27

It's my fault, isn't it?

Everything that's happened. You being gone.

All of that is because of me...right?

How much would have changed if I tried to be a better friend to you? If I tried to make you feel included all of the time? If I really was a friend to you. A real one.

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