Extended Family

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(WC: 1948
Category: Hurt/comfort, soft angst
Warnings: None

Part 50! Thanks for sticking around <3

This oneshot talking about the snow is brought to you by a person who doesn't experience snow :')

The ending is slightly cheesy, but I'm a sucker for h/c so *shrugs* I like it

Remember when I opened requests a while back? There was one that caught my eye. Well, a few. Ariyaquila, _-Daiya-_, and Shiro_Night requested Xisuma and Ex. AHyperFerret suggested IDEA (Keralis, Bdubs, and X) as a family dynamic. I decided to combine those two and include it in the Countdown here :P

I realized as I was writing this that Bdubs is already present in Never Forgotten but he gets around a lot so it's fine lol


When you're far from home, it's hard to know the way

But it's right there inside

It was the first Christmas Ex had spent outside of the void.

The snow was falling down gently, covering the landscape with a thin white layer. The night sky was cloudy today, though the stars sparkled brightly in the darkness. Bases were decorated with multicolored lights which twinkled cheerfully at night. Hermits were out in the powdered snow, running around and goofing off with each other.

Not Ex, however.

He sat at the top of Xisuma's storage tower alone, looking down at the decorated jungle trees below. The snow managed to reach the jungle, though the biome usually had a humid climate. That was a bit strange, but it looked pretty, at least.

He held out his hand and let a few snowflakes land gently on his fingertips. He'd forgotten the burning cold of snow when he'd been in the void. It felt nice, like a small chill everytime a snowflake landed.

The little crystals melted on impact with his warm hand, so he closed his fist before any more could land. They were too pretty to be destroyed by him.

Ex wasn't too bothered by the cold. He found it refreshing after being stuck in a place where there was no change in the weather for so long. He only had on a knit scarf around his neck--his armor did a decent job at insulating him from extreme temperatures.

The scarf had been a gift from one of the other Hermits once he'd been unbanned--the girl, Stress, if he remembered correctly. He guessed she saw the scarf as a peace offering, in a way, like, Hey. Sorry your brother banned you to the void and almost left you to die. Have a scarf.

A snowball poffed the back of Ex's head, and he winced as the cold snow slid down his back. He turned around to see Xisuma standing there--how he'd gotten up without Ex's noticing, he had no clue. His brother held an armful of snowballs and was aiming another at his face.

"Can't I enjoy a day of being alone?" Ex groused, getting up and brushing the snow from his suit.

X chucked the snowball at Ex. It made a splat as it landed square on his chest, then slid down to the roof. "Nope. C'mon."

And he rocketed off into the night sky, glancing down at Ex like, Well, what are you waiting for?

"What is it now?" Ex protested loudly. "You can't just say 'come on' and fly off without giving me context!"

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