OTP Drabbles Part 2

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These are mostly short little stories I started to collect while reading other people's oneshots for 30 Days of Quarantine. (Well, mostly inspired by Casuallyy's oneshots, but you get the idea.) So here, have some drabbles on other prompts from the 30 Days of Quarantine list!

This also sort of deteriorated into a rarepair collection, so enjoy that :D

Day 3: Out Of Character - Bdubs x Scar

(WC: 434

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to ausforyou for letting me use her Shifted AU for this drabble! If you want to know, the Hermits' personalities are swapped, but I won't get too into detail. I'll let the drabble speak for itself. Love you Author Child <3)

"Scar, get over here! I need to talk to you."

Bdubs leaned against one of the many pillars supporting the town hall, tapping his feet impatiently as he scanned the sky, looking for Scar. 

Eventually, though, a figure came flying in, and Scar landed next to Bdubs effortlessly. He looked slightly annoyed, but Bdubs decided to ignore that. "What do you need?"

"Dude, these signs aren't going to cut it." Bdubs yanked a sign from where it was hanging and showed it to Scar. "'Vote Scar'? That's it? Look at all these colorful signs--you're a good builder, you should be able to make a decent map!"

Scar frowned slightly. "I've been busy with other stuff, too. If you're my campaign manager, why don't you do it?"

"And what are you going to do in the meantime? Sit around taming cats to give to unsuspecting Hermits?"

"Uh--excuse me!" Scar looked offended. "I'm going to be building a campaign office. You know, so we can actually have a place to meet?"

"Geez, someone's salty today." Bdubs walked up the town hall's stairs and gestured to the diamond throne. "Don't you want that? Don't you want the seat of power?"

"Of course I do!" Scar plopped himself onto the throne and crossed his arms. "Why do you think I'm running for mayor?"

"Well, partly because I told you to." 

When Scar looked offended, Bdubs rolled his eyes and added, "If you really want to be mayor, you have to step up your game! You gotta compete with all these other maps. Otherwise," he shrugged. "I don't think you're going to get the spot."

"Oh, now you're pressuring me--blackmailing me, even--to get the spot." Scar's voice rose slightly in pitch. "Wow, what a great campaign manager! I really appreciate it, you know."

"I'm not blackmailing you," Bdubs said, his tone even. "You're overreacting. I'm just saying, if you want to be in the long run, you have to take some measures in order to get there."

Scar raised an eyebrow. "Are you hinting at anything?"

"I'm just your humble campaign manager," Bdubs said, bowing slightly. "Besides, what kind of morally challenged person would push others down the mayoral totem pole to get to the top?"

"Now you're just flat-out insulting me. Alright, alright." Scar got off the throne and started to head off. "You really want me to be mayor? You want me to go at any length to get there? Fine."

Bdubs watched him go. "You don't feel bad for doing this?"

"All in a day's work." Scar took off into the sky. "See you later, Bdubs."

Day 10: Left Out Again - Wels x Cub

(WC: 356

I couldn't resist, okay?? I saw this in Wels's episode 1 and immediately went "This is angsty. I could make this angsty.")

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