Mark As Read - Grian x Mumbo

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(WC: 646
Category: Humor
Ship type: Platonic
Warnings: None

The timeline's all funky, but let's just say this happened before Mumbo's episode 10, when he finally sent a message to Grian)

Mumbo was normally a tall person. The tower of chests in minecarts in front of him, however, made him feel like a dwarf.

"This is getting ridiculous..."

Mumbo grabbed the bottom minecart and had to tuck and weave as the rest of the tower topped over. He opened the chest and pulled out a single paper. A message in Grian's loopy scrawl was written on the parchment.

Hey Mumbo! Hope you're doing ok.

Mumbo looked up at the pile of minecarts. Even as a pile, the thing was still really tall.

He carefully climbed over the wreckage, opening the chests and trying to collect all the content. Grian had used an absurd amount of iron to make these minecarts.

Most of the messages were typical of Grian. One chest held a bunch of jungle saplings, and another contained the head of a parrot. So that's why Mumbo wasn't able to find a parrot and has to resort to a chic—ahem, bigger parrot.

Mumbo also found a bunch of papers, which made him wonder if Grian had been using his zero tick sugar cane farm. The answer came in a renamed Redstone block, which simply said, I did Redstone are you proud. He must have made his own farm.

There was also a message from Iskall in the mix, which contained a green shulker box filled with slimeballs. Actually, there were messages from multiple Hermits. Scar sent him a couple of his "magic crystals". Xisuma sent him a honey block labeled Thanks for the iron!

Most of the messages were from Grian, though. Mumbo chuckled under his breath as he read them.


tag 2 electric boogaloo

hi mumbo nice base



Hi are you there


mumbo jumboliiiiiioooooo

"I should probably send him a message..."

Mumbo grabbed a spare piece of paper and a quill, thinking about what he should saw. He jotted something down and grabbed one of the many minecarts lying around.

Careful not to step into the Nether, he broke the blocks behind his portal and went into the Hobbit Hole within the Hobbit Hole.

Still marveling over how much work Grian put into the messaging tunnel, Mumbo set down the minecart on top of the rails. He placed his paper inside and sent the minecart off.

"I hope he's happy with that message."


Grian woke up to the lovely sound of a bell clanging noisily.

At first, he wondered who would be making a sound like that this early in the morning. Then, he realized he would make a sound like that this early in the morning. And the only place he had a bell was his alarm system for the messaging tunnel.

Grian practically flew down his stairs, crashing into the floor after his Elytra activated. He ran down to his tunnel and, sure enough, there was a minecart chest waiting for him.

He hesitated to open it, though. The last time he thought Mumbo had sent him a message, it had turned out to be Iskall and a TNT trap.

Nevertheless, he held his breath and opened the chest. He braced himself for the sound of pistons moving or the hiss of TNT, but after a few tense seconds, nothing happened.

Grian grabbed the contents of the chest, which was just a folded piece of paper. He opened it and read the single word printer on the page.


Grian burst into happy tears. Mumbo has actually sent him a message. A short message albeit, but still! The mustached man had actually answered. It was a miracle.

The sound of fireworks alerted Grian to someone's arrival. Iskall poked their head through the broken window nearby.

"I've come for your head!" Then they noticed the paper clutched tightly in Grian's hands and the look of pure happiness on his face. "Is this a bad time?"

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