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(WC: 562
Category: Angst
Ship type: None
Warnings: Mentions of death

A bit of context before we start. My ELA class assigned us to write a short fictional story using a linear plotline and outline--who is the character? What's the conflict? Is that conflict resolved?

Obviously, I jumped at this chance. I decided to hint at some Evo/Griangst, but instead using Grian's real name, Charles, for my real assignment. I changed the name back here, though.

My teacher also wanted us to base our story off of a picture or prompt, so I decided to implement some songfic elements as well, using the song linked up at the top.)

The sky was dotted with billions of stars, each emitting a faint glow, combining together to make the atmosphere shimmer with light and life. Down below, the lights of the village were muted by the heavy cloud of fog that drowned it. The mountain range poked out in the distance, shadowing the city in its grandeur.

From on top of the highest mountain on the range, it was a beautiful sight. Grian sat at his vantage point, still panting slightly from his ascent. The scene before him was a familiar view. He had climbed this mountain dozens of times on night like these, just to admire the landscape.

Only, this time, he was alone.

Grian usually made this journey with one of his closest friends. They had originally found this place about three years ago, right when their friendship was just blossoming. His friend had always enjoyed observing the stars from a technical point of view, but Grian just came along to keep him company and, of course, for the beautiful night sky.

His friend wasn't here tonight. They wouldn't be joining Grian tonight or any other night. They had left permanently, and they weren't coming back.

The sudden death of his friend hit Grian hard, and he hadn't visited this spot for months because the view itself reminded him of what he had lost. Just standing there, taking in the scene, unleashed a sudden wave of emotions swirling inside him.

He was mad that this had happened. He was sad that he had lost them. Most of all, he felt guilty. Even though he wasn't there when it happened, he still felt partially responsible for their death. He felt like he could have done something to prevent it, even though he was nowhere near and only heard the news 2 days after.

"I'm so sorry," he murmured quietly. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He looked up at the stars, wondering if they were among them now, just another speck in the bright sky. He hoped that, wherever they were, they were happy and at peace. They deserved it.

"It's a nice night tonight, isn't it?"

Grian spent a few more minutes observing the stars, wondering what they saw in them. Did they see large spheres of hydrogen and helium? Did they connect the stars and see myths that didn't exist anymore? Or did they see new beginnings and hopes for the future, like he did? Did they align the stars with their own pictures, wondering how far their imagination would take them?

Despite everything that had happened in these last few months, Grian knew that they would want him to move on. It was just so hard--like letting go of an addiction that would harm you more as the years went on.

Grian couldn't stand seeing this beautiful night sky so soon. It shouldn't be so pretty after what had happened. If the sky were to match his emotions, it would be a dulled blue, with heavy clouds blocking any sort of light that dared shine through the darkness.

He held his gaze on the sky for a second more, then turned away, blinking back tears. He could see them shaking their head slightly, disappointed but not surprised by his decision. He couldn't move on. Not yet. Not for a long time.

"I'm sorry."

He turned his back on the city and started the long climb back down the mountain.

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