Laughter, Part 2 - Scar x Grian

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(WC: 2114
Category: Angst. Lots of it
Ship type: Hinted romance
Warnings: Refer to Laughter Part 1, as well as some repeated, somewhat graphic death

That's right! athena363636 and I have made a part two to that Laughter oneshot! Get ready for a boatload of meta, fourth-wall-breaking angst. 

You can thank ShinyTheWeirdo for this in the first place--she commented on Laughter, Part 1 talking about how there could be a story based on Grian's POV through all of this. 

Been meaning to release this for a while now, here it is :D


Grian opened his eyes slowly, the sun bearing down at him. It was so bright--he could have sworn it was just night. Had he slept through half the morning? And why was he standing up, and outside? The last thing he could remember was lying on his sturdy bed at home, staring at the ceiling.

He shook his head--he must still be dreaming. He almost never had these ultra-realistic dreams, where it all seemed so real, but it happened every once in a while. Usually, it involved Evo.

But this was Hermitcraft. His mansion cast a shadow behind him. His chest monsters were as prominent as ever. Everything seemed fine... why did he feel like something was about to go horribly wrong?

"Grian! Hey!"

Grian wheeled around to see Scar striding towards him, a cheerful smile on his face. He let out a relieved breath--no Watchers. No dead Evolutionists. It was okay.

Even better, Scar was here.

Grian returned the smile. "So, you ready to terraform around your mansion a bit more?" Scar asked.

Was that why he was here? Grian couldn't remember asking him that recently. "Oh, yeah. No problem."

"I brought some supplies." Scar placed down a shulker box, overflowing with dirt. "This should be enough to finish off one section, I think."

"I'll grab some from my chests, too." Grian turned and walked over to his chests, leaning down to open the closest one. Nope--iron. He closed it, then checked another. Chorus fruit. Opened another one--wait, that had diamonds in it! He glanced over at Scar sheepishly.

Scar laughed a little. "Chest monsters being a problem?"

"Oh, don't say that! You're as bad as me, you know."

"Who? Me? I brought all my stuff over, packed nice and neatly into a shulker box. Look at what you have."

Grian mocked his words quietly, but couldn't hold back a grin. He opened another, then another, finally finding it in the last. Holding it up triumphantly, Grian shot Scar a wide smile. "Only took me 5 chests this time!"

"Great. Now we can finally do this."

"Oh, shut up." Grian shoved him playfully.

Just then, the earth started to shake, sending chests bouncing up and down. Grian glanced down in confusion as the ground below ripped open, sending him tumbling down a deep ravine.

He scrabbled at the dirt where he had been standing, hopelessly trying to cling to the grass above, but it was too late. Grian could hear himself screaming, he could feel the air rush up around him as he fell, faster and faster, panic zapping through his lungs like ruthless stabs of lightning, over and over, fear so intense that it almost felt good to hit the ground and launch into limbo, release into the void--

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