Lullaby - Scar x Grian

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(WC: 1479
Category: Hurt/comfort, fluff
Ship type: Platonic
Warnings: None

I finally got around to doing Casuallyy's 10 Minute Writing Challenge! It's basically like the 5 Minute one I did a while back, except you have ten minutes. The prompt is "Beginnings and Endings". I've been wanting to do a songfic with the one above, so I decided, why not combine the two? Here's the result.

Thank you guys so much for 10k reads as well! It means a lot to me <3)

It was another one of his sleepless nights.

Grian tossed and turned on his bed, trying to find a comfortable position. Even though he had been working hard on his base for a good portion of the day, he didn't feel tired at all. Everyone else was asleep, but he was wide awake.

He didn't want to bother anyone, but he had to get his mind off of the thoughts in his head. He got out of his bed, equipped his Elytra, and rocketed off as high into the sky as possible, so no one could hear him.

He glided above the jungle for a few minutes, barely seeing everyone's bases through the clouds. Mumbo's stark white wrenches--or "pillars", if you were that kind of person--blended right. Iskall's Omegatree barely touched the tip of the clouds. Even the bright pink roofs of Stress's brewery were hardly noticeable.

Then there was Scar's magical village. It was probably one of the more visible builds from an altitude, mainly because of the dozens of glowing crystals he had lying around. Grian angled himself towards the village, feeling the wind catch his wings as he glided down.

Scar probably wouldn't be there--he was starting his new megabase in the taiga. He'd probably be sleeping in--what was its name? Big Ben? Big Bud? Anyway, it was a nice peaceful place to be, and he would be bothering anyone.

Grian landed on top of the shell-house Scar built for Larry the snail, wincing as his descent made a loud thump on the wood. Good thing nobody was here, he would have woken up Scar by now.

He crept to the front of the shell, where he could see Larry. He patted the snail on his head, a little sad he would have to live alone after Scar moved permanently. Then he glided down onto the ground and started wandering around the village.

(This is when the 10 minutes ended)

You had to appreciate the amount of detail that went into this place--every block was meticulously placed and thought out. Every time you looked around, you would find something new. It had such a nice atmosphere, too—you just felt calmer being here.

"Grian? What are you doing here?"

Grian turned around and jumped when he saw Scar, who was coming out of his shell house. "Scar? I thought you were sleeping at your new base."

Scar stifled a yawn. "No, I decided to sleep here for a few more nights. I heard a thump that woke me up—was that you?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, I didn't know you were here."

Scar studied him, still looking half-asleep. "Is there a reason why you're here?"

Grian shifted on his feet--Scar knew him too well, even in his half-awake phase. "No..."

Scar crossed his arms, not having to say anything.

"Okay, maybe. Can it okay if I stay here for a bit?"

Scar nodded readily, almost as if he was expecting Grian. "Yeah, of course. Do you want to talk or something?"

"Yeah, thanks." Grian sat down on the ground, leaning against the magical village's entrance. Scar joined him a minute later.

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