In The End - Alters, Arc 1

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(WC: 1350
Category: Angst
Ship type: None
Warnings: Death/permadeath, swearing

Aquadreion mentioned a concept about the void slowly taking away your identity and inspiration slapped me across the face so have this

This is a sequel to Dynasty and starts right after the last oneshot ended. Ending is a bit rushed, but enjoy!)

The void was lonely.

Here, Ex barely kept himself sane. He was crowded with thoughts about his past and how he could have changed it all. The disaster in the End, X and him slowly growing distant, until that day when he had struck back...and got sent here.

In a way, it had all come full circle.

Here in the void, there was just darkness everywhere you went. The only point of interest was above him--the main End island floated right above him. Ex didn't like looking at it much, though--it just reminded him of the chain reaction of events that had led him to be here.

What had he done to deserve this? Neither brother was in the right here. X was in the wrong for banning him here in the first place, and for abandoning him 2 years ago. When they had reunited about a year ago, it hadn't gone down smoothly.

And Ex was in the wrong for...a multitude of reasons. None of which could really be forgiven.

It started with him not forgiving X in the first place. Instead, he'd left his frustration corked up, until it had finally had enough. Then he'd taken out his anger on Hermitcraft, which was ironic, because he had already had one world destroyed. X had banned him to the void. He hadn't visited Ex at all until today.

Even though both of them were in the wrong, they were past forgiveness. The final thread had snapped today. Ex doubted that X would be coming back, ever. That was the last he'd ever see of his brother.

Odd things had started to happen after maybe 3 or 4 months in the void. Ex wasn't entirely sure--time was weird here. He felt like the void was tugging at him, slowly dragging him into the endless abyss. It was easy to resist before, but now...

Ex shook it off. Maybe he was just hallucinating after being here for so long. It had happened before.

But this seemed more real, even though he tried to deny it.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Xisuma climbed out of the End portal, still silently fuming from his argument with Ex. He strapped on his Elytra, ignoring the memories from when he was younger, and started flying down the Nether tunnels.

He didn't understand. He was so focused on himself that he couldn't see X's point of view. It was all his fault. If he could just move on from the past...

X scoffed under his breath. It was that one thing, that singular event that had caused a domino chain of events that led up to this. No matter how hard he tried, Ex wouldn't see past it.

And neither could he.

X rocketed down the Nether tunnels, turning sharp corners at dangerous speeds. He needed to get away--from the End, from his past, from...

His pulse quickened as he frantically tried to remember his brother's name. He could clearly see what he looked like in his mind, but the name was just...gone.

What was happening? It was like he was slowly forgetting his brother. But how could that be? There shouldn't be any...


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