Your Reality - Bdubs x Scar

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(WC: 1276
Category: Soft angst
Ship type: Romantic
Warnings: None

Hey look I'm writing a Scar ship that isn't Scarian for once! And it's romantic!

This songfic is written a bit different from what I normally do. Some of the lyrics are implemented directly into the story and are written in italics, and they also double as Scar's thoughts. Other lyrics are more subtle, but they're there. I tried to include as many lines from the song as possible.

I'm also definitely feeling more confident in writing romantic ships, so maybe there will be more variation in the ship types. Enjoy!)

Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you.

Scar leaned against the tall pillars of the mayoral town hall, whistling a tune under his breath as he waited for his campaign...captain? Sergeant? What was it again?

The point is, he was waiting for Bdubs to show up. The two of them were long overdue to talk about plans for how to improve the Shopping District. He really appreciated Bdubs's help--from being a good campaign...whatever...and just being an overall great friend. 

It wasn't enough for him to just be friends, though. Deep down, he knew he wanted something more.

He spotted a figure walking up the stairs towards him. Bdubs waved cheerfully as he climbed the steps, shooting Scar a huge grin. "Hey, Scar! Ready to make the Shopping District beautiful?"

Scar's heartbeat quickened as Bdubs walked over to him, and it took a second to realize he was waiting for an answer. 

"Oh, yeah. I'm ready. You're ready?" Scar paused, thinking about his words, then smiled sheepishly.

Bdubs smiled at his reaction, and Scar could practically hear the sound of his heartbeat pounding in his ears. "Great! Let's get to it then?"

"Yep," Scar said quickly, his words now sounding choppy and displaced. His hand found its way into his pocket, and he felt the crumpled up piece of paper inside. 

Bdubs took no notice, instead gesturing around the Shopping District excitedly, talking about all the things he wanted to do. "Those paths you did, we could alternate them so it changes design depending on where you are. Oh, and terraforming! And, of course, little billboards where people can advertise..."

Scar nodded absentmindedly, pulling the paper out of his pocket. He'd tried in vain to write a little poem for Bdubs last night, to show how he really felt. It was cheesy, but hopefully he would like it.

Just move your hand, write the way into his heart.

No. He couldn't do that. Bdubs would never like it. Plus, his poem was bad. He shoved the paper into his pocket again, then smiled at Bdubs like nothing was happening.

That was another chance down the drain.

But in this world of infinite choices...

...What will it take just to find that special day?

"I'm so sorry I haven't been able to meet up with you." Bdubs started counting off on his fingers. "I've been busy with the Boomers, and Impulse's lamp shop, and stuff like that. Sorry, I should have prioritized this first..."

Scar just nodded along, listening silently as Bdubs continued rambling on over things he's been busy with. In all honesty, he was just thankful he could finally spend some time with Bdubs. Any second with him was worth it.

What will it take just to find that special day?

"...What about you, do you have any ideas?"

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